
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Country Garden Showcase #49

Welcome back for another week of inspiration in the garden.  

Last week's snow and rain seemed to wake up plant life allover my yard.  I have red and white clover, monkeyflower, hyssop, owl's clover, and phacelia blossoming everywhere.  It's a good thing too as my honeybees seem to be multiplying steadily already.

This week I learned how to use our old farm tractor.  I am looking forward to using it to move large piles of dirt and compost around the yard. 

I completed some transplants into half gallon buckets temporarily so I could get them out of the house into direct sunshine.  

They're under a makeshift cold frame which I made by laying dog ear fence boards on top of a raised garden bed and then placing a sliding glass door over the top.  The fence boards make a 3/4" gap so heat can escape, and it's staying warm enough overnight to keep tomato plants growing.  

The picture above is the same cold frame in the morning.  It's icy on top, but under the glass, the plants are warm.  As evidenced in the picture below.  Healthy warm season tomatoes are thriving under the glass.

I am still preparing a large garden area which I hope to have planted by the end of the week.  I have a lengthy garden chores list this week...

March 2013 Garden Chores
till up the old volleyball pit (sand) 
start soil remediation in volleyball pit
chip up remaining oak brambles into pit
mow down grasses and forbs
move the compost pile
set up irrigation for the garden 
plant, plant, plant

Image from A Cultivated Nest blog
Our FEATURED GARDEN post this week Thrift Store Makeover- Kitchen Herb Planter was written by Manuela of A Cultivated Nest blog.  Read HERE!  Manuela has such vision and creativity.  I always look forward to her projects.  

What have you been working on in your garden???  

LINK UP and SHARE below.

1 comment:

  1. We're not at that point yet but I love walking the property looking at those first spring flowers, some so tiny you have to get near the ground to see them well.


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