
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Country Homemaker Hop #56

Welcome back friends!

This week I elected to highlight a few of my favorite recipe posts from last week's hop for our Homemaker of the Week series.   These are a few of the recipes I have bookmarked and added to my own collection... Thanks so much for sharing!

Image from The Busy Bee's blog
Who can resist hot, fresh baked bread??? Not me.  We're in Luck!
Myrna's Bread recipe from the blog The Busy Bee's post HERE looks delicious and its simplicity intrigues me.  I am looking forward to trying it.  Perhaps when Michelle comes up to visit so we can split the recipe because it makes 8 loaves of this yummy looking bread.  That would take up a lot of my limited freezer space, but I can see myself making a batch for our kids before their next visit so they can each take some home.

Image from A View From The Cottage blog
Then I spied this recipe...
Making Raw Sauerkraut recipe from A View From The Cottage blog can be found HERE.  I dabbled a bit with my own lacto-fermented garlic pickles a while back.  To my surprise they were a hit.  My son ate them in record time.  I LOVE sauerkraut, but my hubby detests it so I have been putting it off.  This recipe is a small batch tutorial with good instructions and images to help guide you.  I am going to try it with my next batch of cabbage.   I am pretty new to the whole/nutrient dense food movement as espoused in the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, but have had a longtime love affair with kraut, and many things fermented so I am especially thankful for small scale fermented food recipes like this one.  My hubby does not yet share my fondness for improving our diet.  I'll likely be eating this kraut on my own and I detest food waste.

Image from Michelle's Little Piece of Heaven blog
This last post, Homemade Bacon recipe, was shared by my good friend Michelle of Michelle's Little Piece of Heaven blog.  You can see the recipe HERE.

I can still remember reading and salivating to the images in this post HERE by another blog friend- Kathy, of the blog Moving On To The Past a long time ago.  Though that post did not include instructions for how to cure your own bacon, it got me thinking... I remember wondering just how difficult could it be???

Enter Michelle- and her new post.  I have known Michelle for years and she'll tell ya she is the Queen of finding the easiest way to do something.  Well, she'll likely say something more like "If you wanna find the fastest way to do something, hire the lazy guy," but that's semantics.  Michelle is like the Sherlock Holmes of food.  We joke about going to restaurants with her because she is picking apart every spice and before she has finished her meal, she knows what it will take her to recreate it at home.  She's that good!  I was very happy when she told me in a recent conversation that she was expanding her test kitchen skills to include bacon.  Though I haven't got to taste her bacon yet since we moved, I hope to soon when she comes for a visit.  I am certain it will be worth the wait.

That's all from the homestead today folks.  may you have a wonderful and productive week, with a chicken in every pot, and I look forward to reading and sharing your posts again next week. 

Please LINK UP below and SHARE what's been going on over at your homestead...


  1. Hello dear Heidi and Dolly! I don't always have a project to share but this week I've been at the sewing machine whipping up one of a kind pillows for my booth space out of vintage feed sacks,grain sacks and a one of a kind pillow top made from three different vintage embroidered pillow cases. Loving keeping up with your homesteading adventures too! xo

  2. Thanks for all the nice things you said. And yes I do have a bad habit of tearing the recipe apart. I am working on it. LOL


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