
Friday, March 1, 2013

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #98

--I am on the road today lining up fencing for my soon-to-be-born dairy goats, visiting a dairy goat farm, and examining housing options, so please enjoy this Farmgirl Friday guest post from certified farmgirl Deb!

 Happy March!

Welcome new friends and followers and welcome back to your Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop # 98!
Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering, sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking, caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded. Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden ) bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!   

Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~  
Heidi of My Simple Country Living  
and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking and me of course!

  Can you believe we are only two hops away from our 100th Anniversary? Who wants to brag a little? Tell us how long you've been linking up to this hop today before you close the hen house door on your way out. Can I just say how happy I am that the days are getting longer. I'm loving the fact that it's staying light until after 6:00 pm here on the New England south shore. You know who else is happy? The Cottage Hens.  I've missed having a basket of backyard farm fresh eggs on my counter and I'm thrilled to have a full basket today. With the ' girls ' in mind, today's features are in honor of our feathered friends and will help us take even better care of them all through the year.  

Lousie of Louise's Country Closet wrote an informative and fun post about the why's and wherefores of using hen saddles for your flock. Besides the fact that they are just adorable ( what girl doesn't like to get gussied up now and then ?) they serve a practical function to broody hens and those who must share quarters with roosters! 

Tilly's Nest~ Dolly
 My dear friend Melissa of Tilly's Nest shares the benefits of using Hen Saddles for first aid treatment of her most broody hen Dolly and gives us the list of must haves for your Backyard Chicken First Aid Kit.

 One of the most exciting things about keeping chicken's is naming them right?
 Walking in High Cotton shares her families process for choosing and eliminating names for their chickens. Some of the rejected names are hilarious... If you didn't make it by during the hop stop by and read her post... You'll get a good cluckle, I mean chuckle out of it...We've had to nix a few names and change a few over the years like when Steve became Stevie and Rosie became Rudy...Oh well...

Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
 Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop! 

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals,  quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the  Linky tools space to your  Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop! 

Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! 
As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!

Don't forget to grab your FEATURED FARMGIRL BUTTON if you've been featured!


  1. Hi,
    Do you have a button for the Blog Hop?

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Thank you for asking. I need to work on adding a button for the hop back to my blog soon.

    2. okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it. I wanted to add it to my sidebar with the other buttons/hops..didn't want to leave yours out since I participate.


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