Today, I mixed up a few batches of liquid handsoap. It was my BFF Michelle's idea. She's been on a mission to make every homemade cleaning product we can since our dear blog friend Dolly posted that wonderful post featuring the Queen of Green Cleaning- Leslie Reichert, a while back...
Poor Michelle, I have garden prep and seed starting on the brain while she's got spring cleaning on the brain. She's such a trooper though. I have a gallon here with her name on it.
I really had a lot of fun and I can hardly believe how easy it was. I followed the instructions in Amy Walker's blog post HERE. The only thing I did different was that I used a glycerine bar soap so I added just one tablespoon of glycerine to each batch, not two. My batches set up thick so I heated them again with an additional 2 cups of water. They cooled to a wonderful texture. I now have more than two gallons of wonderful tea rose and Vitamin E liquid handsoap. Hooray! My cost was about $1 a gallon...
That's what I've been up to.
What are YOU working on over at your homestead???
That's really interesting. Thanks for the link! :o)