
Sunday, April 1, 2012


UFO Roll Call
During the first few days of each month in 2012, I will open a new Linky party post.  It will be open all month long to make sure everyone gets the chance to link up and share their new handmade creations.   
Please plan to join in on the fun by linking up posts and sharing images of the sewing and quilting projects you've been working on during the month.  This is a great opportunity to finish up all those UFOs and to start new projects too.  I plan to complete one project each month and the UFO Roll Call will be where I go to post my progress and look for ideas. 
This blog party is open to both quilting and domestic sewing projects and is a great place to show off your next homemade apron, your blue ribbon quilt, and to post that new flannel quilt tutorial.

The winner of the March UFO Roll Call Challenge giveaway is submission #2 and it was posted by Michelleof Michelle's Little Piece of Heaven blog.  

The link is titled "Finished Apron" and it takes you to a post featuring Michelle's first full length smock apron, a gift for her friend Marian.  It's a beautiful apron Michelle, and what a nice homemade gift for a friend.  I just know Marian will love it.  If you haven't yet had a chance to view Michelle's blog, please go NOW and check it out.

Michelle is a wife, mother, crafter, homesteader and she has a barnyard full of animals.   She is taking on a huge challenge this season as she is more than doubling her vegetable gardening area.  Michelle is a wonderful cook too, she can take an established recipe, tweak it and make it hers like no other.  She is currently perfecting a homemade vanilla recipe.  I can hardly wait...  Thank you Michelle for sharing your talents with the rest of us.  I always look forward to reading and viewing your posts.   Thank you all for participating and for sharing such fun projects.

Mark your calendar!  
Let's get this party started!  We're having a GIVEAWAY at the end of the month!  All you have to do to enter is LINK UP one handmade quilt or sewn project YOU made during the month, before midnight on the last day of the month.  

Let's get to work on our next project to share with our sewing & quilting blog friends.  I'm feeling crafty and I hope you are too. 

I am linking this post to a few of my favorite hops-
Deborah Jean's Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop
Amy's Homestead Barn Hop (on Monday)
& I will be linking to Lisa's Made from Scratch Blog Hop (next Saturday)


  1. Congratulations Michelle, that is a pretty apron!

  2. Awesome apron or as my mum called it pinny lol. Great linky party I will have to check out all the crafters that join up ! I will have to pass as I dont do any of these crafts, my craft is photography ! Looking forward to seeing all the handy dandy crafters work ! Have a wonderful day !


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