
Thursday, March 29, 2012

FarmGirl Friday Blog Hop! #51

Happy Friday!

The Buzz...
This week has been so much fun.  I got my first beehive operational.  Our little Italian ladies are making me so very proud.  I check in on them several times a day looking to see that they are happy, not being robbed, and I jump up and down with excitement every time I see some fly in with full pollen sacks.  

Our fruit trees are really going to be bursting with fruit this summer, and that's a welcome reward.  My BFF Michelle lives only a block away as the crow flies so I am hoping my girls help her trees too.

It's still freezing here at night so my hubby made the hive a makeshift insulation blanket from an old solar water heater jacket.   (The gals came from a warmer climate.) I am so lucky to have him.  It's working great!  

We've got chicks!  
My BFF Michelle went with me this morning to be a helper and she fell in love with the only blonde Americauna of the bunch.  They were inseparable.  Needless to say, she's Michelle's new baby chick.  I'm babysitting her until she's old enough to hold her ground against Miss Priss...  If not then she'll be number 16 in my hen house.  

Our little hen house will be a rainbow of colors.  We have Americaunas, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Black Australorpes, Buff Orpingtons, and Salmon Faverolles.  

Michelle and I are sure enjoying watching them.  They eat and drink like world class athletes.  Jerry is going to get started constructing my hen house this weekend, so it will be ready for the chicks to move into in about 4 weeks or so...

I will post progress as it goes up.

In the Garden...
Today, the local big box home improvement store was having a BIG sale in the garden center.  

I picked up a few flower packs and planted them around my front door to enjoy.  

I even managed to squish a new garden wheelbarrow inside my tiny car somehow.  It was on sale for half price ($19.99) Wow!  I intend to use it for a potting soil barrel in the greenhouse.  It's BIG and deep.  

I love springtime flowers.  I look forward to watching these little beauties grow.   
The seedlings are all growing steadily, but nothing's big enough to transplant yet.  I am getting antsy.  

Michelle gave me her lemon tree.  It has to live indoors up here, but it can go outside during the day.  

I am really looking forward to trying to get it to set fruit in the greenhouse.  With a little help and a lot of luck, maybe... We'll see.

I participated in a MaryJane's Farmgirl Sisterhood book swap this week and got these wonderful goodies to enjoy.  Thank you Melody!  I am really enjoying this gardening book.  It's full of recipes too.   

The mini quilt behind the books was my reward for participating in the New Beginnings Mini Quilt swap.  It's so pretty.  I love asian fabric, purple and lavender.  This quilt incorporates all three.  Thank you  Jennifer.  It's a beautiful quilt.

If you haven't yet had a chance to share something you've sewn this month for a chance to win the monthly giveaway, please link up HERE before it ends in a few hours...

Well, that's what's been going on at our little homestead.  

What have YOU been working on this week at your homestead???

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!



  1. Wow! It sounds like you and Michelle have been having fun! :)

  2. The Love & Madness book might be really interesting. I didn't think I would enjoy these types of books but I read the Josephine Bonaparte diaries and couldn't put them down. The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B., Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe, and the Last Great Dance on Earth, all by Sandra Gulland. Fascinating.

  3. I certainly enjoyed looking at your little peeps, so precious. I would someday like to have a few of my own. I am particularly fond of the Orpingtons & Rhode Island Red. Looking forward to seeing them grow up right here on your blog.

  4. The chicks are adorable. We are not getting chicks this year (my astrolorps are a year old tomorrow, so I don't need a new batch of hens this year), but it is about all I can do NOT to go in and look at the chicks at in the feedstore. I know if I go look I will come home with some baby birds. Glad the garlic is doing well!


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