
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #55

Happy Friday!
I hope you are having a wonderful week at your place. It's been an inspired week here.  I finally completed my herb garden and the last summer veggie garden seed starts.  I started a few birdhouse gourds and lots of flowers for my honey bee garden too.  
I managed to turn an accident in the greenhouse into good fortune.  I broke a branch off of one of my tomato plants.  Oops!  
Not to worry.  I put the branch in a vase of water and added some rooting hormone.  
Two days later... I have a new heirloom tomato plant, roots and all. Yippee.  
I am starting my third celery base in another container of water in the kitchen window.  It's amazing how fast they root without any help.  They plant into the garden well too.
I made my first homemade liquid hand soap.  I followed Amy Walker's recipe found HERE.  You can customize your soap by adding natural moisturizers or fragrances you enjoy.  I used glycerine bar soaps as my soap base. Two batches made me more than 2 & 1/2 gallons for about $1 per gallon. 
I am marinating my first batch of homemade citrus infused vinegar multi-purpose cleaner.  I am following the recipe HERE from Kristi's blog Let this Mind be in You Once I feel it has steeped long enough (it smells more like citrus than vinegar) I will remove the peels and strain the vinegar.  I am going to try a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water in a spray bottle for household cleaning chores like kitchen counters, mirrors, floors, and tile. Thanks Kristi!  
I recently joined a local homestead group and tomorrow I am learning how to slaughter and butcher poultry.   Next Monday my Master Gardener class returns and next Tuesday I am attending my first local beekeeper meeting.  This spring I am learning so many new things and I am finally plugged in to a local community of people that share many of the same interests.  That is such a gratifying feeling.

That's what's been going on around here this week.  

What have YOU been working on???

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Friday Blog Hop!

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button (or link back here) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!


  1. Wow! What a productive week you've had! I envy the fact that you can take the Master Gardener class. That's one of my goals.
    Enjoy it all!

  2. I hope I can find a homestead group when we retire.
    Thanks for the links, too.
    What sort of rooting hormone do you use? The only stuff I could find says to wet the stem, dip it in the powder and then place the cutting in soil, keeping it damp.
    I am not having anywhere near the success you are.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I used rootone, but any rooting hormone should work. I am really learning so much from the nice homesteading group I have been introduced to. The people are so kind and eager to share what they know. I am going to be learning how to milk and care for goats soon. I am so happy I can hardly contain myself.

  3. This is the busiest time of the season! Love the new look!

    1. Thanks Clint. You're right. I am tired at the end of every day it seems lately. That's a good thing though. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Have a great weekend.

  4. Thank you for hosting!! I linked up our lunch. :) Egg Salad with many variations!

    1. Thanks you Chara for linking up and sharing your yummy sounding traditional egg salad. I hope you come back and share again soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hey there, Heidi! Thanks for the shout out! How cool!

    What a great post! I had no idea you could grow roots on your tomato plants---I'm so excited to hear that! I'll have to look for rooting hormone. Where did you get yours?

    Also, thanks for sharing about your liquid soap--I've been wanting to try that. I'm heading over to check that recipe out right after I finish here.

    Your rooster is beautiful, by the way! Thanks again! :)

  6. Lots going on there my dear! Yay for you! Keep growing... your classes sound wonderful!


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