
Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase #18

The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.
Gertrude Jekyll

What's GROWING in MY Garden  

 The garlic I got from Kateri last fall are HUGE.  They dwarf all of my other garlic plantings.  They're about three feet tall right now.
 The radishes are almost spent. The last few warm days have really turned up the heat on their flavor. Ouch! 
 My lettuce and kale beds are ready for replanting again.  The birds have been feasting on them since I removed the plastic covers.
 My new blueberries are ready to bloom...    
 My new raspberries are waking up too
 and so are those new blackberry vines...

Jerry is moving water closer to my new grapevines and he is moving water and power into my new chicken coop.
 The strawberries are planted...
My beautiful black currant bush has been blooming and providing nectar to my honey bees for more than a month and it just keeps blooming.  Tonight, when I took this shot, there were almost a dozen bumblebees buzzing around it too. Wow.  

These are the two celery plants that I started from the base plates leftover from kitchen scraps. I have another taking root in a glass of water in my kitchen windowsill.

 My long row of potatoes made it through the snows and are ready to be covered in more soil. 
I planted a few zucchini, yellow squash and beans this weekend...
 My A-Frame trellises are awaiting my homemade pickles heirloom cucumber plants.  I just need to get them planted...
 My tomato plants have grown so much this week, they need taller shelves...  Maybe I will take a chance and plant some this week...
 This is my mini-orange tree.  I keep it in the greenhouse.  I wasn't sure whether or not the bees would pollinate it, but they have... Yippee!
 Can you see the tiny mini-oranges?
 My Roma tomato plant is also growing in the greenhouse and look what I found on it today.
 My BFF Michelle gave me this lemon tree recently and it had already blossomed indoors, no pollination, so no fruit.  I "droughted it' as per my professor's instructions and whalaa. It's full of new blossom buds.  I have been told that citrus growers drought trees routinely to get two harvests a year.  It's dangerous and I won't do it again, but it tricks the plant into blossoming. 
 Indoors, I still have a table full of summer vegetable seedlings, herbs, and flowers for my honey bee garden. I am also making a small garden for my chickens to root around in.  It will be in the large fenced compound. 

Please share what YOU have been working on in YOUR garden this week.


  1. Your garden is just beautiful! Yummy stuff growing there:)

    1. Thanks you Mrs. Scaife. I am hoping for my biggest and best bounty yet this summer... we'll see.

  2. What a great start you have already!! :)

  3. Wow! Your garden is going Gangbusters already! Love your mini oranges and that black currant! I bet your honey will taste awesome!

  4. Everything looks so great. I had electricity in my coop but really wanted water. Hopefully the new coop will. I hope you post progress on your coop!

  5. Heidi, love the garden update! You are busy and so are your plants!

    I hope to get my garden containers ready this weekend and plants next week.


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