
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday in Pictures...

This was the view from my window at 1am today...
 The greenhouse top was covered and the temps kept fluctuating thawing and icing up the moisture.  If you look close you can see that the snow on top has slid a few times...  it's clinging and curling around the roofbase.
 I love to see snow against the old oak out back... and on the pines too.
 An old picnic table was covered by about 1:30 am.
 This was the view from the window at about 9am.  
 The ice sheeted, but was clinging to the roof edge...
 Lots of lovely icicles...

 on the greenhouse too...

 This is the underside of all that snow that was sliding off of the roof of the greenhouse.  It was still here when I woke up and it looked so interesting underneath because of the way the lexan ridges shaped it.
 It did finally fall off at about 2pm and then it started snowing again...
 Jerry's old wagon (the sentry for my garden) looks nice skirted in snow.
 My veggie garden has weathered all that wild wind and snow so far...
  My peaches, apricots, and nectarines will probably shed lots of buds and blossoms, but after looking them over, only about 25% of the buds have even swelled so far, so it may not be as bad as I thought.  
 This snowfall has been a real helper for the fruit trees.  I used it to soak in some long term fertilizer pellets.

The pavement is all clear now, and it keeps coming down in waves...
 The clouds will part and dare the sun to shine, and then they seem to seal it back up again...

 I am going to miss winter when she's gone...  she's been so mild and calm this season.  It almost seemed we'd skip her altogether.
Well, that's the view from here.  Have a wonderful and productive week ahead!


  1. That's a lot of snow. Wow! Beautiful pics!

    1. Thanks Susan. Yeah, I was so excited to see it. We live in the Sierra-Nevada mountains and the snow pack is only at 30% so far. We need this wonderful snow. Have a great day!

  2. Awesome photos ! WOW we are usualy covered in white but this March has been strangely summer like with temps in the high 80s and humid and lots of sun we by passed spring temps and went straight into summer ! We never had much snow this year and didnt get a perma frost very strange considering we are in Ontario Canada known for its long winters and lots of snow ! Have a good day !

    1. Wow Elaine,
      This weather has been strange for many of us. I read posts almost daily wondering what's up from allover North America. I sure look forward to things settling down soon. Have a great day.

  3. Wow! It was 85 here in Miss. Your snow is beautiful!

  4. We haven't had much of a winter here in PA. The weather this weekend has been summer-like! The snow is beautiful! I get lots of groans when I say it, but I do love the snow. Thanks for posting, I love seeing the contrast here compared to your last post with the greenhouse pics.

    1. Hi Allison. The weather has been mild everywhere it seems. I love snow, we see it so rarely and in such small amounts, considering. I am jealous of your summer like weather and I do hope it warms up soon so I can get some tomatoes into the ground.

  5. I love seeing your snow shots. We had a very mild winter here in Ohio also.

  6. Wow! That is a lot of snow! We haven't had much here in West Virginia, either. But I am not complaining!

  7. Oh my Heidi! I guess winter isn't really through just yet... like you we've barely had one either, but in New England it's a relief when we can say that...:) You've really got a lot of great things going on in your garden... I'm looking forward to your growing season very much!

    1. Me too Deb. I love your new pantry. It's the prettiest farmgirl red color. you are such a talented decorator.

  8. Cool pictures of the ice and snow on the greenhouse! We have had the off and on snow/rain here for the past two days but it is supposed to be back up to almost 80 by Thursday!

    1. I am jealous of the coming 80 degree weather, but those extreme temperature changes have got to be confusing for YOU and the plants. Your seedlings look fabulous, especially the tomatoes.


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