
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase- Week 12

We have snow falling.  
Off and on it's been falling for the better part of two days.  I am not complaining.  I love to watch it fall.  I got lots of things done ahead of the snow outdoors, but I am stuck inside for a few days now so here's a little poem about spring.

Oh, spring came to my garden 
And caught it unaware 
Wearing just a few old leaves 
And a dejected air.
But when spring left my garden, 
Its work so deftly done, 
Many, many Daffodils
Were dancing in the sun.
-Velma D. BATES

 Thank you and have a wonderful and productive week ahead!


  1. I just love the poem! We have had the snow for the past two days here too!

  2. It is very pretty, the snow picture. Here in SC we had an extremely hot day. I took my mom to Home Depot looking for flowers and trees fun time.

  3. What a lovely poem. Thank you for sharing. We had spring very suddenly and already the petals are falling off the forsythia and bradford pears. I'm trying very hard not to plant things..yet...

  4. Nice photos ! Our weather strangely is summer weather already we have been humid at times and sunny , I think we have by passed spring and have gone straight into summer ! Weird that cause here in Ontario Canada we are known for our long snowy winters, not this year ! Have a good day !


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