
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Strawberry Pie... Just in Time for Your Sweetheart

“Doubtless God could have made a better berry (than the strawberry), but doubtless God never did”
William Allen Butler

I believe that strawberries are the perfect fruit for sweethearts.  They are red, heart shaped, and they taste so sweet.  I can think of no better fruit to send the message "I love you" on Valentine's Day than a strawberry.
I cannot take credit for this fantastic strawberry pie recipe that I found last night on, but I can tell you after making two of them that it is so good, my husband nearly ate an entire pie in one sitting, and he is not a big anything eater.  It was a great surprise.  Another great thing about this recipe, is that it only requires four ingredients- in addition to the pie shell and heavy whipped cream for garnish... It's fast, easy, and has no  harsh preservatives or gelatin.

I made a double batch of  classic crisco recipe crust.    I am new to crisco pie crust.  I used to fight with butter, but not anymore.

This crust turns out tasty, flaky, perfect.  The crust below got damaged because I almost dropped it when I realized my new hotpad was not working. I got a good burn.  I didn't lose the pie crust though.  It's not as pretty as it had been, but it's still functional.  Imagine YOURS looking better, having not been injured. Smile.
So, you see it really is TOO easy. I just layered a half quart of cored, fresh whole strawberries into the crust while I heated the other half quart of berries that I crushed and added a cup of sugar to.
Cook on medium heat, stirring frequently, until it boils.  Then, turn down burner to simmer and mix up 3/4 cup water and 3 Tbsp cornstarch and gently pour in while stirring.
 It smells SO GOOD at this point, the whole house smells like strawberries, just like hot strawberry jam.... Heavenly!
 Stir constantly.  It should thicken in about ten minutes.  At that time, ladle the strawberry filling into the pie shell, on top of the fresh, raw berries.  Place the pie into the refrigerator for a few hours to chill, if you can.
Mine only lasted about 45 minutes before my sweetheart and chief gremlin got into the first one...  If you look real close you may be able to see a crumb on the side of his mouth.  Evidence.  It didn't matter.  He always melts my heart with his childlike smile.
The good news is, I caught him BEFORE he got into the second pie...  Bad news, he didn't give me a chance to whip up the heavy whipped cream, he pulled out his old standby, an icky faux whip... It could have been so much better with real whipped cream.
Well, the unattractive pie crust is the one that survived to tell the tale...  I have never made a strawberry pie before and I cannot stomach store bought ones.  The gelatin in them gets me sick.  This recipe looks and tastes great, and is so fast and easy to make that it took me by surprise.  I highly recommend it for your Sweetheart or Superbowl party.  
Happy weekend FARMGIRLS!!!


  1. Oh that does look YUMMY ! I love the web site its wonderful isnt it ? Have a great weekend !

    1. You are right Country Gal, is a great site for good recipes. You have a great weekend too!

  2. I would sure like to dig in because I love strawberry anything. I worked in strawberry field for over 20 years and oh my gosh I love them. Give me a spoon and I pity your husband if he tried to take it out of my Looks great!

    1. Dear Dolly,
      I love your fun comments. So did my Hubby. He said that as a gentleman he would never get in a lady's way, it'd be all yours. They are my favorite berry on Earth. I am going to have to pick your brain one of these days about growing them, I have had a small patch for a few years, but I want to plant a large area.

  3. OH MY WHAT A PIE! Now I can't wait for strawberry season. Thanks so much for linking up to the "Made From Scratch" Blog Hop! This recipe is a keeper for my family!

    The Way Grandmama Does It

    1. Hello Lisa,
      I love your Made From Scratch Hop and I have a love affair with strawberries too. They're always in season in Southern California because of the coastal strawberry farms around Ventura. I hope you try it and enjoy it too. It's so yummy. Have a great weekend.

  4. Yummy looking AND hubby approved, doesn't get any better than that!! I love that there is no gelatin too!

    1. Hello Candy,
      Yeah, for some reason I have become allergic to gelatin. I wasn't as a child, so I don't know what happened. The success of this recipe was a welcome surprise.

  5. I love strawberry pie, that filling is great, sweet and fruity!

    1. Hi Kathy,
      Me too. I love it. Have a great weekend!

  6. I like pie :) :) :) Oh, and I noticed you're also a MaryJane's Farmgirl Sisterhood, too :) :) I'm Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #2176 :) :) :) Have you tried for any merit badges yet? Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

    1. Hi Heather!
      I am brand new to the sisterhood. I just applied for my first badge... Blogging. I am making a few projects to apply for a few more badges in the near future ie: aprons, quilting, and gardening. Welcome to my blog. I hope you get a chance to link up something fun to share. Have a great weekend.

    2. So simple. I was just thinking I should make a strawberry pie. I wish I had fresh berries--I will have to go with frozen from last summer! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Sure looks yummy amd perfect for Valentines! I should try it if I can find strawberries here in Colorado? I conected with you on g+ and found your blog. It is such a lovely blog, I am now following you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me the nice comment Susie. I love your blog too. I am your newest follower.

  8. Oh this looks really good! I love strawberries, but have never tired a strawberry pie before, now I will have to :)

    1. Hi Kelly,
      I hadn't tried to make one either, before Dolly's recipe, but I am sure glad I did. It tastes so good.

  9. Replies
    1. Mme too Clint. I am looking forward to your next gardening post.

  10. Oh, that pie looks absolutely delicious - and I guess it WAS, but the looks of things! LOL!
    I am a new follower from Growing Old With Grace
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  11. Yum, i really want to eat this too! thank you so much for linking to Foodie Friday! Not Your Ordinary Agent
    Not Your Ordinary Recipes

  12. Oh my, that looks delicious! Thanks for posting it!
    Dropping by from The Country Homemaker Hop! New Linky follower! Can I get a follow back please? Thanks!



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