
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase- Week 6

A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.
Gertrude Jekyll
Happy February Gardeners!  
I hope today finds you warm and cozy and your garden work progressing well.   I know many of you have been unable to work in your gardens due to continued inclement weather.  If that's the case, you have my sympathy.  I will look forward to future posts about your beautiful garden and awesome bounty.  The weather hasn't been very cooperative here either, lately.

A few weeks ago, I posted my January Garden Plan (re-posted below) and I have finally completed it, a week behind schedule, but it's done.   Here is what I did in the garden since January 1st.

January Garden Plan: 
pruned fruit trees & grapes  
fertilized with bone meal, iron, and organic compost
layed in pelleted gypsum to help leach salt from my clay soil
sprayed copper fungicide on certain fruit trees
removed litter from base of fruit trees to prevent overwintering of coddling moth
checked and tested raised bed watering system
Hubby completed fruit tree watering system
chipped Christmas tree, fruit tree prunings, and leaves into compost pile
Made two new compost containers- 3' x 3' square-
and layered/aerated the new compost piles
improved soil in raised beds with straw mulch, organic compost, and till
made veggie garden plot diagram using a 3 year crop rotation schedule
planted winter veggies ie; carrots, beets, lettuce and mescluns, peas, radish, and bok choy
I created two new in ground garden beds for more veggies

Here's my plan for FEBRUARY-

February Garden Plan: 
mix up compost for in ground garden beds, lay it into beds
finish compost mix in the last raised beds
sow a row per/crop each week of winter veggies
put up hoop house over the winter veggie bed, once seeded
start seedlings for a few veggies indoors

The BIG job this month...  moving the greenhouse from the hill to the back patio so I can add electricity.  Our weather has been so cold at night, I dare not start anything up on the hill without heat in the greenhouse.  We will have to take the greenhouse apart, piece by piece and reassemble on site. Wish me luck.

Now you know what's going on in my garden.  Please LINK UP below and SHARE what's been going on at YOUR place.  Be creative.  We'd all like to see posts about your garden, farm. yard, barnyard, coop, beehive, fresh produce inspired recipes, garden crafts and flowers, decorations, garden how-to advice, ANYTHING garden related.  Have a GREAT week!


  1. Heidi, thanks so much for hosting all these wonderful link up parties! I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. You can check out the details here:

    Thanks again!

  2. Wow,
    Thanks Ann. What an honor. I am grateful. I guess I better get to work, picking my favorite blogs...

  3. Heidi, I love that you make a list.. I am not a list maker. Not because I don't think they don't work or help.. I am too willy nilly.. I need to make myself be a list maker. I would likely get more done. My dh is a list maker. Best of luck to you on that green house move. You can do it!!

    1. Hi Lynnie,
      It feels like I make better progress when I can see things getting checked off on my list. It's OCD, seriously. If you don't feel the need to make them, I wouldn't. The list is a task master. LOL. Have a great week.


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