
Thursday, February 9, 2012

FarmGirl Friday Blog Hop! #44

Happy Friday Farmgirls and boys...

This week has been busy around our little homestead.   

I finally made a little progress in my sewing room.  I finished up four aprons.  Now I am racing toward my Saturday deadline to get my  Thimbleberries Club monthly challenge projects done.  I WILL succeed, even if it means I get no shut eye til Saturday afternoon and I am not going to wait til the end like this again, next month...  or will I???  I hope not. Ugh.

I was surprised by the generosity of three fellow bloggers when they gifted my blogs with The Versatile Blogger Award.  Thanks again AnnMichelle, and Clint!  It feels good to know that there are bloggers that actually read what comes out of our hearts and goes into our blogs, and it feels even better to be the one GIVING the praise and love.  Go HERE and HERE to see my selections, my favorite and most versatile blogs.   

The news that Google Friend Connect will be removing non-blogspot blogs from all of our friend lists really made me sad. In response, a movement has spread across the blogoshere like wild fire in the form of new "Linky Follower" parties-  Linky parties designed to inform bloggers about the changes coming March 1st to GFC and to give us all a free tool to replace GFC via Linky Followers.  Thanks to Brent Riggs, founder of Linky Tools.

I spent lots of cold nights this week baking.  I even baked one of Dolly's Mile High Chocolate Meringue Pies and let me just say, wow. Her recipe is delicious.  Dolly really IS cooking!

Many of the recipes I've been baking lately, come from blogger contributions to Farmgirl Friday and The Country Homemaker.  
Thank you!
Thank you all for taking time from your busy days to share such helpful, meaningful posts with all of us farmgirls.

One last thing...  for those of you farmgirls that have not yet seen Deb's awesome FARMGIRL GIVEAWAY- (a copy of MaryJane's Ideabook~ Cookbook~Lifebook) it's NOT too late!  Hop on over to her blog HERE to say Hi and enter to win.

Let's get hopping!

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop! 
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
Now, let's see what you're flaunting this week!


  1. Love the aprons! I am just now getting into adoring them! Now I'm inspired to try my hand at making one!
    Have a beautiful blessed weekend!

    1. Thanks Allison. I hope you have a blessed weekend too.

  2. Your aprons turned out really cute! I just took up crocheting, and your aprons make me want to try my hand at sewing now. Not just the repair sewing I do with loose buttons and such. Not part of the hop, but am really enjoying visiting those site that are. I'm gathering some great finds. Thanks :)

    1. Hi April,
      I am glad you're checking out the blog links. I hope you get a chance to link up too. Have a great weekend.

  3. I just found your blog and love it! Guess what? I'm a MaryJane's FarmGirl too! Happy weekend!

    1. Welcome Amber! I look forward to reading your blog posts.

  4. Thanks for the follow - lovely blog - glad to return the favor.

  5. Hai!!

    I am actually coming to your site from the FOLLOWERS linky blog hop, and ** I am following you. ** Will you follow me back?? ** Thank you so much when you do.

    There is also a party on our blog today, where you can feature 'your best creative work'.

    Use this link to do both:
    Have a happy day! Hope to seeing you around!!


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