
Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New YOU? Not!

I do not believe that New Year's Eve is the time to take stock of my life and rewrite it.  I do not do resolutions.  I am very happy with my life and I have worked hard to mold my life into something I enjoy and am proud of.  Don't get me wrong, I often struggle.  I would like to be 10 pounds slimmer. I would love to be able to remember where my keys are located a mere five minutes after I put them down somewhere...

What I am stumbling, trying to say is that for me, as I usher in a New Year, I am thinking about just how wonderful my life IS.  So what if I'm a bit plump.  Unlike the twelve year old supermodels on the covers of glamour magazines, I am a forty year old woman with curves.  So I lose my keys.  That just means I get to enjoy an old fashioned scavenger hunt every few days, plus- I get the added BONUS of finding lots of other things I didn't remember I had.  It's like Christmas every week, all year long.

I have a great husband that loves me.  Together, we raised the best son I could ever imagine, and he has brought me a wonderful new daughter too.  I have the best friend on Earth.  I am my furbabies pack-leader.  There's lots of food in the cupboard, the lights and heat are turned on and I have found lots of wonderful information and made new friends in blogland this year.  What more can I ask for really?  What more could I possibly want?  LIFE IS GOOD!!!

So, instead of measuring yourself against someone else's expectations/unrealistic societal norms and thinking about ways to change yourself, think about all those special qualities that make you YOU!  Realize that we are each made different and unique on purpose.  You were meant to STAND OUT, not fit in.  Own it!


May 2012 be YOUR most inspired year to date!

I'm hitching this post to my favorite Farm Girl place-
Deborah Jean's Dandelion House


  1. Amen Sister! Happy New Year:@)

  2. Well said!

    Happy New Year to you!

  3. Hi from Millbrook NY.What a great posting.You are right on with this post."Life is good" Whether some people like or not.Blessings and Happy New year to you.Warm regards, Anna

  4. What a wonderful post!!
    Happy New Year to you!! :)

  5. I hope your New Year is awesome!

  6. Love it, wonderful attitude, I am not super fond of resolutions for pretty much the exact same reasons. I was struggling with whether or not I should buckle down and make some anyway, but now I think I have my answer. Thank you, and Happy New Year! :)

  7. Happy New Year ladies! Let's make 2012 our best year so far!

  8. Aww.... I love this Heidi! Happy New Year my dear!
    Couldn't agree more!!!
    2012 will rock...I just know it!

  9. Love the last paragraph! Happy New Year to you!

  10. So I guess the gym next week is out. Oh,well that's more time for coffee together.

  11. Oh how I love this new years post! Wonderfully put-the way I feel but have never been able to explain!! Thanks!


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