
Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Farm Girl Christmas Whirlwind...

Christmas came and went, but not without precious time spent with family and friends.  We spent Christmas Eve with my Mom & Dad, my three baby sisters and their kids.  
My brilliant sister Sherry and her beau Chip (she's wearing my gift to her, a homemade apron)  I was so excited, I made each sister a Church lady apron for Christmas.  They looked so cute in them!
My beautiful sister Wendy.  
Wendy's hubby Toby and my hubby Jerry relaxing
 My baby- baby- sister Melissa, the youngest, and her toddler Amelie.  She'll be two next month...
 My amazing niece Sierra Rose and her fiance' Tim.  He was on leave from the military for Christmas.
 My nephew Jake, smart, tough, fun, and witty! 
My beautiful niece Aurora.  She was responsible for the biggest laugh of the night.  My nephew Jake suffered a little karma.  Aurora wrapped Jake's present in several boxes and an entire roll of duct tape.  The present took about 20 minutes to unwrap and was literally a can of deodorant.  The outside box was as tall as Jake.  Hilarious!  He did the same thing to her last year, hence the karma.
My nephews TJ and Cody pretending to be 007 in the backyard with airsoft guns... 
Wow, have they grown!  

We had so much fun visiting the family and eating way too much food.  We rolled out of there in time to spend Christmas afternoon at my BFF Michelle's house eating again...  Yummy!  
She's an AMAZING cook.  Please forgive me, I forgot the camera, but her family is shy anyway, I doubt they'd have enjoyed me snapping pictures...  I wish I DID shoot a picture of the prime rib she made.  It was almost too pretty to eat.   
I rounded off Christmas night with my newlywed son and daughter.  
This was Jon and Samantha's first Christmas married.
me n' the kiddos
My hubby made yesterday my best day all week when he drove me down the mountain to spend the afternoon with my son and new daughter one more time for my son's 21st birthday.  Happy Birthday Jonathan.  You are my sunshine.

Tomorrow we are off to my in-laws to spend Christmas with them for New Years.  Whew, this week has flown by FAST and my head is still reeling...  I hope you all have the best New Years Day ever!

Have a Happy New Year!   
May 2012 be your best year so far.


  1. I am glad you came. It made Christmas that much more fun. Have fun at your in-laws. You took great pictures of the family.

  2. See what I mean folks. I love this woman. She's always here for me. I love you BFF. My life is so much richer for having you in it.

  3. Happy New Year Heidi!
    I'm so glad we met in blog land this year!
    thank you for all you share! Here's to a great 2012!

  4. What a lovely family! Happy New Year to you and yours!! :)

  5. It's nice you were able to spend time with your family- what a nice looking bunch! Have a very Happy New Year.

  6. Dear Deb, Candy, and Kathy,
    Thanks to you all for stopping by. Thanks for the kind sentiments. I enjoy reading each of your blogs very much and I am glad we have blogland to enjoy together. Happy New Year! I am wishing for 2012 to be our best year ever.

  7. This is a great post, it looks like everyone had a fabulous time! So much family present, you are very blessed! This is what holidays are made for!!

  8. Thanks for the kind words Lynnie. I agree. Happy New Year!


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