
Friday, August 19, 2011

Busy Little Bee... Buzz Buzz

It's been very busy around here this last several days.  I used a pressure canner for the first time without blowing anything up, a good thing.  I have been soaking up all kinds of neat, new things from the many blog link ups to the Homestead Barn Hop. Farmgirl Friday, and Homestead Revival Preparedness Challenge.  A few posts even inspired me to do something new, like lactic-fermentation pickles and homemade vinegar.

I am spending a lot of time pampering the garden because of the heat lately.  I am finally getting a few red tomatoes and a few weird looking Black Krik heirlooms too, they are a strange color...  See!
celebrity on left, Black Krik on right, front one ripe, back unripe.
I followed The Pioneer Woman's recipe for making pumpkin puree and ended up with 16 cups (individually frozen) and ready to go for the holidays, so far, and I still have several pumpkins left on the vines...

I have also been making my own homemade yogurt for about a week.  I think it tastes better than store bought and I know what's going into it, no surprises or chemicals.  It's been very bust lately, and the garden is in peak production mode.  I have already begun removing spent plants, amending soil, and fall plantings.  I am looking forward to the first winter full of my own home grown and processed vegetables.  I am also working on plans to extend my harvest and plant life using those cold frames My Hubby made me and maybe even raising the greenhouse up onto cinder block raised garden beds for a few tomato plants through winter.  (Tomatoes are perennials that are grown as annuals because it's cheaper to let them die in winter rather than keep them warm.)  Oh, I almost forgot to add that I am drying herbs and garlic now too.  Have a great week.

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