
Friday, March 14, 2014

the FARMGIRL FRIDAY blog hop #149

When we moved here we were in a rush because our old home sold the day after we started escrow.  We had to be out FAST so we cobbled together what we could in a hurry. We knew we could eventually work out the kinks.  This week, we did make a few improvements on the homestead and we are preparing for a new adventure in the garden too.

Originally, Jerry put together the chicken coop and run in two days. This week, he finally had time to work out the bugs.

He moved the nesting boxes from the front to the back wall, raised it up off the ground, and added a roost to the front for the hens to hop up on.  It sounds like a small thing, but it gave the girls about sixteen square feet more space on the ground and there's no direct sunlight hitting inside the boxes now.  We hope this change convinces our hens to lay in all of the boxes instead of just the two corner boxes as they've been doing.  

**Having everything up off the ground will help me see what is in there this summer too.  No more rattlesnake surprises for me, I hope.  

Grow-blocks soaking up warm water before seeds are planted into them
I just planted my first warm season vegetable and herb seeds into grow blocks (above) instead of my usual seed starting medium.  I am anxious to see how they do.  In my farm lab classes at college the hydroponics plants always grew much faster than our row crops.  I expect these blocks to give the seeds a quick start so I can plant them sooner than usual in this unseasonably warm weather we've been having all winter.   

last year's garden now sits under the tractor in this photo...
This year's garden will be improvised.  Jerry is starting a new large building project that will take up most of the front yard not dedicated to animal pasture, so I will not be trying to garden anything out there. Instead, I will be planting my seedlings right into garden soil bags up on the paved driveway.  I will simply poke holes in the bottom of the bags for drainage and on top to plant into and water as usual.  I already bought several bags for the project.  I got the small one cubic foot size for easy moving and handling.  I read about this in Mother Earth News and Organic Gardener a few years ago.  I am looking forward to seeing how this works. 

These are my closest neighbors...  
The image above has been my view every day this week from my 2nd floor sewing room...  Can you imagine?  THIS is why we moved out of suburbia!  The view and tranquility of this beautiful rural community are invigorating to me.  

I have been having a blast sewing several projects for various hops and swaps lately.  This week, I completed a few more fun aprons, gifts for friends.  This one below featuring an Alexander Henry pin up girls print is MY favorite so far...

Even more exciting to me, is that I have had a few requests to make them.  I never thought anyone would want to wear one of my homemade aprons, not in a million years.  The idea that friends are actually willing to PAY ME to do something that I LOVE to do blows my mind.  

Anyway, long story short, I AM going to start building up a small reserve of completed aprons and get to work selling them.    I am SUPER excited at this opportunity and the chance to make a little pin money to stash away for Christmas.    

Stay tuned!  I picked up this new Paris Market fabric for my next apron...  

There is still time left to get one of those adorable FARMGIRL magnets to put on your fridge.  All you have to do is SEND ME a mailing address...  There are fifteen left right now...

Finally, there are so many FUN farmgirl activities going on right now online.  I hope you don't miss any of them.  

On my blog, the 2nd Annual GRAB YOUR APRON blog hop runs through the month.  I invite you to link up and share pictures of your apron collection HERE.  

FARMGIRL CHIT CHAT, the Facebook Group for farmgirls is BURSTING with activity too... there are SO many wonderful farmgirl activities going on over there right now that I am not sure I will remember to share them all, but here are the few I can think of...  

We are in the middle of Deb's awesome APRON SWAP!

We had a COOP photo day yesterday. It was a fun opportunity to share pics of your hen house and brag a little about your hens.

Every day we see more wonderful pictures of treasures ladies are getting in the mail from Michelle's Craft Swap.  

Lisa Tucker of the blog My Ordinary Country Life just shared a post that made my mouth water... here's a hint- it contains quiche! Yum.

Connie Meyer of the blog Urban Overalls shared a fantastic post about aprons and it's FULL of her own gorgeous aprons.  What a collection.

Well, I am sorry if I talked your head off.  

Let's get H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!!

Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses
Deborah Jean aka "Deb" of Dandelion House
and me of course!

Enter up to three entries per hop!


As always, thank you for your continued participation! Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. Wonderful blog! I saw it at Google and I must say that entries are well thought of. I will be coming back to see more posts soon.


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