
Friday, March 7, 2014

the FARMGIRL FRIDAY blog hop #148

We are just a few weeks from the 150th anniversary edition of this fabulous, FUN weekly blog party.  We are very excited about the anniversary.  Be sure to be here (virtually I mean, hehe).  It is going to be very special.  

On the Homestead...

Around the homestead this week things are starting to look like SPRING.  The goats love their new home.  We had our first farm vet visit and both of my does had ultrasounds and everyone got physicals, vaccines, and annual blood tests completed.  

BABY NEWS- Meet Mocha.  She was born this week to Toffee at Sierra-Aspen Ranch in Washoe Valley, Nevada and she will be coming home to our farm in a few months.  We are grateful to Heather and Sierra for our special baby girl.

Jerry has spent the better part of two days on the tractor moving literally tons of dirt so we can gain an area about 30x40 more for the pasture we are preparing for the goats.  He is filling in an old abandoned drainage ditch.

I found all of these organic seeds at our Habitat for Humanity Re-Store for only 25 cents a packet! 
In case you haven't heard, California is experiencing a drought and here in the Sierra-Nevada foothills on a riverbed, we have very sandy loam soil that needs lots of water in summer.  In consideration of this probability, I decided to shrink my garden .  I am cutting back to just the essentials.  A smaller garden means that I can afford to try a few new things.  I will be starting my garden seeds using grow blocks instead of my usual homemade soilless mix.  I am really looking forward to trying this new medium.

Farmgirl Chit-Chat News-  Our fearless Farmgirl leader Deb of the blog Deborah Jean's Dandelion House has thrown down the gauntlet!  

Deb's Aprons...
We are having an APRON SWAP!!!  

Woohoo!  There's still time to join before midnight tomorrow...  Head on over to the group HERE to get in on this fun adventure.

Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses
Deborah Jean aka "Deb" of Dandelion House
and me of course!

Enter up to three entries per hop!


As always, thank you for your continued participation! Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Let's get H-O-P-P-I-N-G!


  1. Hey Heidi

    Thanks for hosting . Oh O love Mocha what a sweetie ! Lovely photos and post . Thanks for sharing ! See ya on Farm girl chit chat . Have a good weekend !

    1. Thanks Country Gal. have a great week ahead too.

  2. Congrats on little Mocha, she's a beauty! What a great deal on those seeds, I always enjoy seeing your gardening efforts. :)

    1. Thanks Candy. I am anxious to bring her home. I have one more reservation on a doeling from Sharon at DesertaNanny (she's out by you I think), and my Lily will kid around Easter and then I figure we are done growing our herd for a while. It feels so good to be living my dream to farm. I love it.


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