
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thank You For the Support

In response to the many messages I've received regarding my relative blog silence for the past many months I want to take this opportunity to advise my blog friends about what has been going on.  I don't want to bore you with too many details, but I do want to share that I have been experiencing health issues since February.  

I have developed an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis) and am undergoing tests again as it appears that I have more going on; perhaps an associated arthritis.  I am under the care of several specialists and we are sorting it all out.  

I LOVE blogging and plan to  type when I can, but some days it's tough to use my fingers for keyboarding, and sitting is very painful.  My "smartphone" converts spoken word to text which is why I've been more chatty on social networking sites lately.  Rest assured, I am not going away and have not tired of our wonderfully supportive blog community. I am in the process of isolating my current problem so we can begin treating it too and I can enjoy keyboarding again real soon.   

In the meantime, I plan to alternate sharing Deb, Dolly, and Debbie's weekly Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop posts so I can keep up.  I hope to share a few of my favorite holiday images too.  I am probably not going to be able to headline what would be our 3rd Annual Handmade Gifts From the Heart blog hop or the annual Virtual Ornament Exchange, but maybe someone among us will do that and keep it going.  Hint, hint. I'd love that.

Thanks so much for all the kind notes, they've blessed me on many a tough day.  I really appreciate it.  



  1. We love you Heidi and just want you well. Keep the faith and you sure are in my prayers.

    1. Thanks Dolly. I love you too dear friend. I'll get this licked too. Just takes a little time.

  2. So glad you're hanging tough with this diagnosis and not giving up! Sounds like you've got a great attitude and it will definitely help. Praying the doctors find just the right course of treatment for YOU!! Hugs and hope to see you soon!

    1. Thank you Amy. It's not in me to quit. I will get this licked here soon. I've made many connections online lately with women experiencing the same issues and many have found relief once diagnosed. We are almost there I think. Hugs back at ya, and I will look you up on my trip back home around the holidays. I'd love to see your farm again.

  3. ((hugs)) I hope you get it all sorted and start to feel better soon. I understand how you feel. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, diagnosed 3 almost 4 years ago. Some days are hard, but I am glad for modern medicine. I have a wonderful Rheumatologist who is taking great care of me. If you ever need someone to talk to or ask questions, just send me a message.

    1. Thanks so much Heather. I'd love to pick your brain one of these days. It looks like I may have ankylosing spondylitis. Not sure yet, waiting for test results. It's strange how some days I am able to do everything like usual, and other times I struggle to get up out of bed. LOL. Feeling like a candybutt. My sister was diagnosed first and she'd been a wonderful help too. Keeping moving allday really helps me. Have a great Veteran's Day holiday.

  4. Just get well Heidi! We want you back to your old happy, creative self as soon as you are able...We love you and you are in our prayers!
    Deb and Boz!

    1. Thanks Deb and Boz. We are working on that. You know how impatient a farmgirl can be... there's so much to do before Christmas. I love you Deb. You inspire me so often. Hugs!


  5. Sorry to hear you are dealing with health problems!!
    I hope you get the answers you need to get well!!
    Take Care,

    1. Thank you Sandra. I have some really kind and helpful doctors helping me and I am doing well I think. I just have to remember that I am not a teenager anymore and stop overdoing it I think. LOL. You have a great week!


  6. Sorry to hear you are battling these health problems Heidi - you are one tough cookie! I know you will prevail with God's help.


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