
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #116

Happy Farmgirl Friday!

It's that time again...time for another dose of farm girl fun. Bring on the dirt and muck boot poetry.  It's time to share what goes on around the farm.

This week in the BIG house...
I've been having a blast though the weather has been sticky and in triple digits.  

My BFF Michelle came for a visit and we spent HOT days in the swimming pool and playing with my farm babies.  They all LOVE her.  To relax indoors a bit, Michelle introduced me to one of her favorite old shows, The Gilmore Girls.  Needless to say we spent many hours in front of the television armed with sweet and salty treats.  What a fun show too.  We didn't quite make it through the first season, but we got close.  

There's nothing like spending time with the "besty" to charge the batteries.  

My hubby headed off for an adventure in Alaska this week.   It's the first time he's been able to fly up to see his older sister's home since she moved up there about a decade ago.  He is sure enjoying retirement and the freedom he now has to travel.

My Sweet Adelaide is three months old now
In the barnyard...

My yearling nigerian dwarf dairy goat's milk production is staying steady at about 6 cups a day right now.  Oh my is the milk wonderful too.  I am really getting spoiled.  I began freezing milk in ice cube trays for soap making soon.  

I finally located a source for orchard grass. That was a real coup.  I've been searching for three months.  My goats are pleased with the new forage grass.  

Baby roosters on patrol
In the hen house...

The verdict is in.  Of the 15 chicks my hens hatched this spring, there were four roosters.  Every morning they serenade me and the neighbors starting at about 4am.  They're going to become freezer birds eventually, but I'd sure like them to put on some weight.  If you have suggestions that might help me speed up their weight gain please do share.  

Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering, sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking, caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded. Creative UP-cycling and DIY are high on their list of " fun things to do too!

Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~ 

Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop!
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!

Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too!

As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!

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