
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Country Homemaker Hop #60

It's been a few weeks since I last hosted this hop (my apologies) and I am happy to be getting back on track again.  It's been hectic over here lately.  I have been struggling to keep up.

Garden soil tests indicated that we had pH issues.  I've had to treat with elemental sulphur twice now to bring it down.  As a result, my transplants are just now making their way into the ground.  Because I knew my soil needed work, I planted my dinner plate dahlia tubers (about 50 of them) into 1/2 gallon pots about 6 weeks ago.  This week I have been busy transferring them into my raised garden beds.  They're looking good so far.

Excitement abounds since our two broody little salmon faverolle hens hatched a total of 15 happy, healthy babies.  Most of whom look just like Daddy, our gorgeous Plymouth Barred Rock rooster.  These are the first babies born on our new little farm.  They've been a blessing and a inspiration.  Meanwhile the front yard fence is slowly coming together so I can allow all of my animals to free range on about an acre of our property when I am outside with them.  Though we live in the foothills, neighborhood dogs have been our biggest challenge so far, not the wildlife.  I am sure that will change after we get the fence up and we will focus on them next.

My hubby finished laying the hardwood floor in the kitchen and dining room.  Last week his BFF Roy came for a visit and the two of them completed so many tasks around here.  They cleaned up much of our overgrown yard, moved some of my heaviest dining room furniture into the house, and organized the garage/workshop so Jerry can fix and build things without tripping over boxes.  They also cleaned the little pool that came with this house and have been slowly working on getting it filled.

This is my Addy
I am happy to announce that I will finally be bringing home my first two baby dairy goats this weekend.  I am overjoyed.  I admit, I have been in prayer over this since the weekend.  These babies are very young and will need to be bottle fed for a while.  I am a little nervous.  I sure don't want to do anything that injures these precious little ones.  I hope that this is the beginning of my eventual milk supply.

  I've been enjoying so many little projects indoors too.  I've made cheese and butter from fresh cream and milk given to me by a really kind neighbor.  I have made a few pies and cookies too.  It's been so much fun baking with the old stove.

Well, that's what we've been working on lately, what have YOU been doing?


  1. I'm sure it's something exciting every day as you get acclimated to your new place. Baby goats are so cute! I can't wait to see what you make with the milk.

  2. Your kitchen is beautiful! So excited for you about your new kids coming!

  3. Oh all so very busy and exciting there ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a great day !

  4. That is my 'dream stove'! Wow! The area where you live looks incredible! I want a creek like that one, too! We have bridges in our town, just like that one! Only no big rocks underneath, just a river. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  5. Oh my goodness! Cute! I want to have goats sooo badly, but it's just not an option for us here in the city. Only a few more years until we can get our country home and have herds of wonderful creatures!

  6. Things are coming along for you guys, love the kitchen! :)


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