
Friday, April 26, 2013

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #106

Happy Friday

Welcome back for another week loaded with great ideas.  Simply follow the links below to learn how to do just about anything farmgirl related.  It would be even better if YOU link up and share your knowledge and adventures here as well.  There's always room for more.  

I am mid way through week number two with my new baby dairy goats Adelaide and Moonbeam.  They're four and five week old bottle babies and taking care of them has been a great blessing to me.  I love to nurture and mother things.  Thankfully, these two enjoy it.  So far so good.  No signs of distress or illness, but there's much more to learn I know.  

My shih tzu are loving the new babies too.  My two boys Chocolate and Coco are convinced that the goats need protection and they seem to think they're their guardians...  

Here Coco is taking his job seriously. Hiding under the hay bale watching the goats from outside their fence...
It's comical to think since they're on the menu for wildlife here too.  We generally must keep everyone indoors or confined to kennels with roofs around here, unless we're outside with them.  Here's a shot of the whole brood playing yesterday under my supervison.

Our homegrown chicks and growing FAST.  The first batch of five girls were moved into a 5x10 dog kennel inside the chicken run to get acclimated to the other birds before they're eventually added to the flock.  They go into a portable kennel inside the coop at night.  

The little gal above is so pretty I think.  The others all resemble their daddy.  He's a plymouth barred rock rooster.  She looks a little more unique.  Can you see her Easter Egger legs?  They're green like her Mama. I hope she lays the green eggs too eventually.    

This batch (three weeks old) are much harder to take pictures of.  Their mama does not like anyone getting near them...

I'll try to get a few better shots before next week's hop.  

I have been working in the garden some.  It's been in the 90s this week every day. I am NOT used to this kind of heat. My body has been fighting me every step of the way.  I did manage to transplant bush beans and peas, a few hundred onion starts, potatoes, more strawberries, japanese and pickling cucumbers, basil, and some summer squash this week.  

I also completed the last of two cutting flower raised beds.  They're full of giant dahlias in all sorts of bright colors.  (You can thank Deborah Jean for that one, she got me addicted to dahlias via her own garden images last summer. Thank you Deb!)

That's what I've been working on this week.  What about YOU?  

Wishing you all a great weekend doin' what you love,what needs doin' or BOTH!

 Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering, sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking, caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded. Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden ) bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!   

Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~ 
 Deb of Deborah Jean's Dandelion House, she's also the founder of our little blog party. Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking, and me of course!

 Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
 Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop! 

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals,  quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the  Linky tools space to your  Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop! 
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! 
As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!

Don't forget to grab your FEATURED FARMGIRL BUTTON if you've been featured!


  1. Yay for you Heidi and yay for Dahlias... Now you'll be sharing your lovely flower photos too! I'm in the clear for planting my tubers next week...I think it's warm enough now... So much for your empty nest've got babies galore! All adorable...

    1. Hello Deb! You're right, Lol, the empty nest did not last long. I am excited for flowers. I saw a few flowers forming as I watered yesterday so I think they'll start blooming soon. I am really looking forward to some bright colors.

  2. I always love seeing Deb's Dahlias and now I can enjoy yours too! It's been my experience that most goats thrive on attention and lovin', they think they are dogs! LOL!!

    1. After two weeks with baby goats I am certain you're right Candy. They are so full of energy and do thrive on love and attention. Which is good because I have alot of both to share. I am really looking forward to my dahlias, but I am no photographer, that's Deb. I will still be enjoying her images... Have a great week Candy. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Love the new pictures. I miss the babies. I miss Three Rivers,I miss playing in your garden, and I miss YOU ! Having to wait till June is killing me.

    1. Howdy Gal Pal!
      From the looks of your garden, you two have sure been keeping busy. I look forward to hearing all about it. I love the bean teepee by the way...


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