
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Country Homemaker Hop #58

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”
C.S. Lewis

What have YOU been working on this week around your homestead???  

Please join us Wednesdays to share your pictures, recipes, household wisdom, garden and farm, barn and butcher, homemaking tips, crafts, homemaking ideas and stories with the country homemaking community. It's a new year full of exciting new opportunities. Life is what we make it. Let's dig in and discover just what's been going on- on the Country Homestead this week? 

Have a great week.



  1. Thank you for hosting this blog hop! I have been very blessed to be able to link up and meet so many bloggers and new readers of my blog. I really feel like I am part of a community! Thanks again! Have a good week! Elle

  2. I am loving the Blog Hop!
    Beautiful Aprons.

    I have been nominated for the Liebster award and in turn nominated you!

    have a nice day :)


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