
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Country Homemaker Hop #51

Happy Homemaking!
I hope you had a happy and productive week on the homefront.  I sure did.  Things are starting to come together around here and that is very exciting.

For starters, my hubby Jerry made great progress on his first tough job for our little fixer-upper.  He removed old drafty glass sliding doors and a large window.  The job turned out to be a bit bigger than we expected as there was pretty significant termite damage, but he has made repairs and everything is all walled in.  Ready for drywall and cosmetics inside the house.

I was really impressed by how much changing out that old door for newer better insulated ones increased the temperature inside.

Today, he is back at work replacing more old single pane giant windows upstairs.

That man amazes me.

 I am not gifted with his strength or construction skills, but I can hold my own in a pile of dirt so I spent a few sunny afternoons this week tilling and prepping a few flower/vegetable garden beds right in front of the house...

Silly maybe, but there's incredible soil here and I just can't waste it.
As I type this post, he is leveling a place for me to have a small garden this season in the backyard.

This morning, he built me two 16' long raised bed boxes. Woohoo!

Now we need to work on a temporary greenhouse... it seems that we're going to put those old single pane windows and doors to good use afterall.

Well, that's what we've been up to on our little homestead this week.

Please share your progress too by linking up your post(s) below.

May this next week bring you joy and happiness and find you busy in projects too.


  1. Awesome! Sounds like you are getting a lot done. How exciting :)

    This week I linked up my post on how we tapped our maple trees to make syrup. Thanks for hosting!

    1. I am eagerly awaiting your next maple syrup post. My mind is on fire trying to figure out how you cook it down without scalding it???

  2. Wow busy for sure ! Glad to see all is coming together for you guys . Looking forward to more of your up and coming adventures . Thanks for sharing with us have a great day !

    1. Thank you or your kind words Elaine. I hope you have a great weekend.

  3. How exciting Heidi! You two make the perfect pair... Jerry is going to town on your new little homestead... I'm loving keeping tas on your progress... Growing season will be a joy to watch too!

    1. Thanks Deb!
      We sure are enjoying ourselves. I am looking forward to watching your place this spring and summer too.

  4. I love the french doors. The house is going to be wonderful when your done. I glad to see you will have a garden this year. You with out a garden just doesn't seem right. Gardening is in your blood.

    1. Thanks Michelle. I am glad to be playing in the dirt too. I think I might have gone stir crazy without atleast a small garden...

  5. Wow, those were some big windows upstairs! It will sure be easier to heat and cool the house when ya'll get all finished! Good for you guys for repurposing the old windows too! :)

    1. Yeah, I agree Candy. With every door and window he replaces this place seems to warm up a bit. I am really looking forward to sharing the completed greenhouse one of these days too. Have a great week.


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