
Friday, December 28, 2012

The Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #89

A Christmas Story…
We moved into our home two weeks ago and quickly realized that the old Wedgewood cookstove was not working properly.  

After calling every appliance repair business within two counties and finding nobody willing or able to tackle this vintage stove, we were feeling a little down.   Christmas was just a few days away, and I was very nervous.  It’s expensive to eat out all the time and our budget is tight so I had to fix this.   

In desperation, I reached out to an internet antique stove parts company in hopes that they may have a name for me and they did, Jerry of Jerry and Michael’s Appliances.   Jerry is a repairman with Wedgewood experience, and he was willing to come up to our mountain; about an hour from his city, to repair it.  Experience, and within driving distance! Imagine that.

I liked him immediately.  He was an older gentleman, in his late 80s and he has more than 50 years of experience working with these old stoves.  He brought an assistant to help him with the elbow grease.  He spoke softly, and took the time to explain everything to me and his assistant Chris (whom he was training) as he went along.  Our old stove had more than a few problems.  One by one Jerry and Chris isolated and repaired/replaced every broken item until they had this old stove licked. 

The job took several hours to knock out so we had a lot of time to sit, listen and watch the magic happen.  There were a few expensive parts broken that had to be replaced.  Luckily, he brought lots of Wedgewood parts.  Jerry taught me how to properly clean and maintain this great old stove so things don’t break again.  He later told me that if I follow his instructions this stove will outlast me because they don’t make them like this anymore.   

I could have listened to Jerry explain things all day.  He reminisced about the good old days a bit too.  Jerry grew up with an old wood/gas Wedgewood stove in his Mother’s kitchen and he later bought her one almost just like mine.  These are special stoves to him too, and it made him smile just to see one being used today. 

At the end of the day we had to say our goodbyes and thank Jerry and Chris for their hard work.  The guys had one more repair to do before they could call it a night and drive back to their town. 

Our old Wedgewood works fantastic now.  It baked up some perfect sugar cookies for Christmas, a few wonderful chicken dinners, and it heats up water for tea so quickly I can hardly believe it.  I am planning to use the old griddle for the first time tomorrow morning for some hotcakes… 

Jerry and Chris may not realize it, but they saved my Christmas and I will forever be grateful to them for not only fixing my broken stove, but to Jerry for taking the time to teach me how to identify what’s wrong with my stove so I can replace the parts myself, if they're no available.  

Nobody else would have gone to that much time and trouble to help me keep my kitchen running smooth.  Jerry was my Christmas Angel this year and his service was a blessing.  I pray the Lord blesses Jerry and Chris and sends them many more Wedgewoods to repair.

Have a wonderful and safe New Year’s farmgirls and boys!

It’s YOUR turn to link up and share!

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop!

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals,  quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the  Linky tools space to your  Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!

4.) Enter up to three entries per hop! 

Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop!
We want to get to know you better!
Have a great week and I'll see you on the hop!
 Thanks to all who participate and welcome new linker- uppers!

 If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too!  If this is your first visit, come on back and join the hop!

Thank you all for your continued participation! I'll see you on the hop! 

Please don't forget to check out my co-hosts blogs- 

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop Founding Farmgirl 
the incredibly talented 

P.S. Don't forget about YOUR Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box on Pinterest! Deb's adding new recipes each week!  It's become a terrific resource for meal planning!


  1. Hello stranger. I tried texting and calling. I know your every busy, so I will just say Hi and hope every thing is going good. Glad to hear the stove is working. Jerry sounds like a great guy.

  2. What a wonderful holiday gift! Your stove is adorable and I can understand why you would want to keep it working. I'm also glad to hear that Mr. Jerry is training someone to follow in his footsteps after he is gone. God bless and keep him.
    Enjoy cooking on that beauty!

  3. I am soo glad to hear you got your stove fixed . That's what it is like here with folk so helpful and skillful with all sorts of things . In one of our antique stores here they refurbish these old stoves and sell them they look and work like new . Glad to hear you have settled in your new home ! Looking forward to your new adventures ! Have a Happy New Year !

  4. This is the American spirit people should have.Your repair men are the best kind.They are the rare few in between we don't get to meet.You got so blessed they were there!

  5. Heidi I really like that stove and know there will be loads of great food coming from it. I am so glad you found Jerry and Chris and had such a good time talking to them and learning about your stove. It was a Merry Christmas gift and I am so glad. By the way I love the new blog design very pretty!

  6. How wonderful that you were able to find someone with the knowledge to repair your old stove and share tips on how to keep it in tip-top shape! Maybe send him a nice thank you note?

  7. I am brand new to the hop and I don't live in the countryside, but hope you don't mind me joining in, all the way from the UK, anyway!

  8. What a great story about your stove and Jerry and Chris. A picture of the three of them together would have been awesome! :) It's wonderful to hear that someone still has that knowledge, and is working so hard to pass it on, and 2. that a young person is interested and committed to learning and continuing it! So inspiring!

    Today I posted more free books including various gardening and the pictured one, Food Storage, from none other than Backwoods Home magazine! Thanks so much for hosting and letting me share, and thanks for sharing your great story too.

  9. I LOVE your stove! I have dreamed for years of having one. How lucky you were to find someone to repair it.


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