
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop #45

Happy Wednesday!
Since the weekend, I have been busy packing boxes and lining up licensed contractors to investigate the new place.  My back aches, my neck aches, but somehow I keep moving forward.  I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, and I look forward to the day that I can sit back and relax a bit.

We  made our first run to a local thrift store to donate lots of good duplicate housewares that I have managed to collect over years of yard sales.  I confess, I am a hoarder, of good things...  They're finding new homes.  I can collect common items again at yard sales in my new community and that'll be a great way to meet my neighbors.  It just doesn't make sense to me to spend time and money packing things that I can replace for a buck or less when I get there.

On the homefront, our home here sold in about 8 hours and we are hustling to get things tidy for the new owners.  Jerry is touching up exterior paint which was new a year ago.  I am working to clean and seal tile grout this week, and I am losing the battle in the shower so far.  I could sure use your help...

If you have a solution to remove water scale from glass shower doors, please share.  We have very hard water and through this experience we found that our trusty old friend, the water softener, has died after 18 years of use.  Jerry's installing a new one today, but the residue has really built up in just a few weeks.  Please share your successful solutions by commenting below.

The animals are all healthy, the plants are slowly pulling down their chlorophyll into the roots before they hibernate for winter, and I am keeping up with falling leaves, sort of.

What has been going on around your homestead this week???  Please do share.  Thanks.  Have a great week ahead.


  1. We have hard water here also. What I use is a used dryer sheet moistened and then rub over the glass. This removes all of our stains and then I go over it with a glass cleaner. Hope that helps and good luck with your move!

  2. I sure don't envy you the task of packing. I keep telling hubby I'm NEVER moving again just because of that!!
    I'm going to have to try Dagmar's solution for hard water buildup!

  3. Oh such excitement ! Try using CLR it is good stuff and environmentally safe gets rid of hard water stains . Busy time for you been there lots of times hope to never have to move again unless I get my hobby farm then I will move that's for sure hehe ! Have a good day !

  4. Good Luck with the move and new life adventure, Heidi!


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