
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop #39

Hello Homemakers
I hope you've had another week full of adventure and happiness. I sure have.  I've been keeping busy.  In the kitchen this week I canned more tomato soup, the last of the grapes became jelly, and I am dehydrating herbs right now. I still have about 100 onions to dehydrate so I better get a move on.
I have been cleaning up the house because I will have engineers here on Friday to inspect and prepare our roof for solar panels.  Yippee!!!  I am so excited.  They have to go up in the attic to make sure the roof can hold the load and install an anchor for the technicians to hook up to, to prevent a fall from the roof during installation.  
As the installation requires a few county inspections, we've been warned that our garage (my sewing room) may be full of panels and equipment for a while so I have been working to set up a temporary sewing area in the TV room. Woot! This winter I'll be sewing in warmth and style as I watch my favorite shows Once Upon A Time, Revolution, and reruns of Mad Men.  <Smile>
Queenie, 3 months ago...
In the coop things have been a little too exciting.  My little roo Queenie started seeing me as a threat this week so I am working on ways to avoid upsetting him again.  So far, walking out backwards or shoving something yummy in front of him seems to be working...  
Queenie this week.
I hope he chills out.  He can really pinch skin with his beak.  Ouch!  

My young hens are amazing.  They'll be 6 months old this week and today I got 13 eggs. That's a record for our little hen house.  The ladies are averaging a dozen eggs every day.  

In the sewing room, I am behind a bit in my Thimbleberries Quilt Club.  I have to make 120 flying geese rectangles for a mystery scrap quilt, so I guess I better say goodbye for now and get back to work so I can get them done before Saturday...
Have a GREAT next week and please share what you've been up to this week by linking up below...


  1. Hi could you please tell me what the Thimbleberries Quilt Club is? Is it something anyone can join? Thanks, Angela

    1. Hi Angela,
      Thimbleberries Quilt Clubs are held allover the country in quilt stores that sell Thimbleberries brand fabrics made by RJR fabrics.

      Here's a link to the official Thimbleberries Quilt Club site. If you peruse the pages you'll find lots of great free patterns to download immediately.

      Our club meets one day each month to review the project we're going to be working on that month. It's always so much fun. I encourage you to look for one in your area.


  2. Your rooster looks just like mine, only mine is a big woosie. Thanks for hosting and good luck with the quilt! :)

    1. Thanks Nancy, maybe there's still hope for my little roo? A few farmer's wives told me today that he will mellow out in a few months. I have my fingers crossed. Thanks for the well wishes on the quilt. I am 1/2 way through those flying geese since last night.

  3. Thanks for the invite...I've linked up...such a fun way to meet new people.

  4. Heidi, Your new header looks good!

    1. Thank you Robyn. I am learning the new Picasa. It's way too sophisticated for me, but I am hanging in there. Thanks for stopping by.



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