
Monday, July 30, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase #31

Welcome back to the hop for everything garden related.  My plants and animals are growing steadily and so are the weeds.  I have loaded  up a few pictures of what's going on around this place.  I hope you enjoy them and please don't forget to link up your garden post too.


 This is my four month old cockerel and a few of his girls.  I am free ranging them most days now...
 This is my small chicken garden adjacent to the large chicken yard.  I am growing yellow zukes, fairytale pumpkins, and mammoth sunflowers for the girls to eat.
 A yellow zuchini plant.
 sweet bell peppers
 eggplant blossoms
 artichoke blossom
 San marzano paste tomatoes.  I planted 25 of them.
 Armenian cucumbers
 Last year's celery is going to seed so I can dry it and bottle it up.
 pickling cukes climbing
 butternut squash blossom
 Golden concord grapes growing into an apple tree.  I did prune last year, but these old vines grow so fast.
 My honeybee garden
 This is the view from my front door...
 a baby pumpkin
 a jubilee tomato
 the sweet corn is almost ripe for picking
 I love tassels
 birdhouse gourd
 a tiny birdhouse gourd
 a big max pumpkin
 my living fence...
 my nectarines are almost ripe
I never thought I'd be able to collect all these nectarines with this adorable apron my friend Dolly made for me...  but I did.  Thank you Dolly.

Okay, now it's your turn to link up and share!!!  
Let's get hopping.

I am sharing this week's post on the Homestead Barn Hop too.


  1. Wow, green corn! The corn around here is brown and dry, small ears and sometimes wormy. Looking forward to fall crops!!!

  2. Heidi, your Armenian cucumbers are darker green than mine. Mine are really light green. Are there different varieties? We should trade and compare tastes :) Your garden looks great by the way :)

    1. Hi Mona,
      It was probably just my camera. I am not very good with it. Yes, there are a few varieties that I know of. They're actually not a cucumber but a muskmelon. I'd love to swap some. I have read that they are the most tasty at 12-15 inches long.

  3. Hi Kathy. My patch is so small I can afford to water often unlike all the farmers trying to make a living in corn this summer.

  4. Hi just wanted to stop and say wow,I planted cherry tomatoes and some bell peppers but the hot Texas sun made mincemeat out of them. Your garden is wonderful and I hope mine does that well next year when we get to our homestead.


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