
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop #28

Welcome Friends!
I have some exciting news to report.  

Yesterday, I made my first batch of homemade mozarella and ricotta cheeses using the goat milk I've been getting from my little visitors.  Woohoo!  The mozarella is divine.  I used this great 30 minute mozarella recipe from the famous Ricki Carroll aka The Cheese Lady that I found HERE.  She even has a video tutorial.  It's simple to make and requires no fancy cultures, just milk, water, rennet and citric acid.  It doesn't get much easier than that.  I sliced it thin and draped it over toasted sourdough with tomatoes, fresh basil, and balsamic vinaigrette.  Yummo!

I have ordered some cultures and I can hardly wait until they arrive to try some new cheese recipes like cheddar and chevre.

Things have been going great around the homestead this week.  My grandson had a birthday this weekend, my family came to visit and everyone enjoyed the fresh goat milk.  The weather has been HOT and my garden is growing like it's a race to the end.  I harvested my first yellow squash, zucchini, and lots of tomatoes this week for slicing.  That's it for now.

What have YOU been working on around your homestead???


  1. Heidi, Cute page I like the flowers!

    1. Thanks Dolly. I just had to borrow them for a bit...

  2. Yea for you Heidi! Do I see goats in your feuture?

    1. Oh yes Robyn,
      Nigerian Dwarf babies are reserved and I am just waiting on them to be born...

  3. Good for you!! I haven't had much luck with mozzarella, I'll have to check her recipe and video..

    1. Thanks Candy. I made a second batch this morning and now I am trying another batch,but this time I am following Ricki Carrol's regular recipe that includes yogurt with live cultures for my culture. I am almost done and the curds are AMAZING. I am excited to stretch this batch. It's a 2 gallon batch so it will be bigger.

  4. Heidi, I love your blogs you know that so I nominate you for The Sunshine Award for being such an inspiration in the blogoshere!
    Stop by Dolly Is Cooking to grab it and have a great day!!!

  5. Goodness gracious, that mozz looks awesome. I'd be tempted to slice up some of those tomatoes and have myself a snack!


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