
Friday, June 1, 2012

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #60

FarmGirl Friendships Blooming
Me and Sunny, my friend Jan's Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat...  
This Spring I have been blessed. It's been a season full of many new and exciting experiences for me. I joined a local homesteading group and have had the privilege of making many new friends. Each of them brilliant, dedicated wives and mothers; women of purpose, determined to provide the best homes and food for their families. It has been my privilege to exchange ideas on topics ranging from beekeeping to gardening with these helpful, knowledgeable women. Like I said, I've been blessed.
If you haven't yet had an opportunity to join a local homesteading group in your area, I recommend you do so.  If there are none nearby consider starting a Yahoo or Google Homesteading Group yourself.  It has been so helpful to me personally.  It's a great feeling to have a place to turn to to ask important questions about animal husbandry and food preservation from people who are practicing these skills every day.  It's such a nice feeling to have people in your circle that share your interests and get just as excited as you do when you talk about beehives or composting animal waste.  Some folks get scared off by those topics. 
My baby Queenie
Members of my local homesteading group have been so kind and thoughtful, sharing what they know to help speed up my learning curve.  In just two months I have learned how to care for and milk dairy goats, how to butcher chickens, how to can meats, how to house and raise a pig and this weekend I am going to learn how to show dairy goats.  
A few days ago a dear friend surprised me with this beautiful bouquet of peonies she grew herself after we had a fun time inspecting her beehives.  She is the founder of our local homesteading group, a dear woman that I am growing to care for a great deal.  The comraderie and fellowship I have experienced as a member of our small group has been a real gift for me.  I find that I am gaining strength and awareness through them and it feels great to feel moved to try things outside my comfort level.  I know that I have a river of support that will not run dry and I love sharing what little knowledge I have with others in our group too.  I wish that for YOU as well.  Support, friendship, and the love of good friends to guide you along your farmgirl journey.

What have you been working on around your farmgirl paradise this week???  
Please share.


  1. A lovely post . I grew up on a hobby farm learning and doing all this and I do miss it but am slowly getting back into it all . It also is a wonderful thing this blogland cause you also can get great tips and ideas from people who share your interests . I do so enjoy your blog and many others that are all about Home Grown, Home made & Raised . Have a wonderful day !

  2. Thanks for your kind words Elaine. I agree. The homesteading/farmgirl blog community is amazing/ I've learned so much from reading blogs. They provide much of my inspiration. Have a great weekend.

  3. I love how generous homesteaders are. I've learned so much just from blog hopping and feel so grateful that others are willing to share their knowledge. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. You are one blossoming farmgirl Heidi! Good for you! We've to a local group called Edible South Shore that hosts monthly meetings... I've started going to those with a few gals from my Farmgirl Chapter... It's such fun!

  5. PS... I also love love love all that we are able to learn via our blog friends too!
    we are a blessed little community! Thank you from the bottom of my farmgirl heart for hosting FF every week with me! xo Deb

  6. Heidi
    Your Homestead Group sounds like a neat bunch to be associated with. Lifelong friendships built upon similar interests! FUN :)


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