
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop #20

Welcome Friends!
I have been busy all day in the garden and my whole body aches so please humor me as I make this a quick post.  We had more than twenty awesome links last week and I'd like to share a few of them, in case you missed them...

Jo of Jo's Country Junction shared her baby chicks and her hen house.  She has an interesting method for baby chick introduction into the big girl hen house HERE.  Check out her blog.  It's great.  She's a quilter too.  

Then, there was this great post by Rose Petal of Live Ready Now! with a tutorial for how to make a solar oven out of an old accordion windshield shade HERE. Wow!  If you haven't yet read Rose Petal's blog do yourself a favor and GO now.  She and her husband Silver Oak are the real deal.  They live off grid with their young family and they are learning and teaching as they go along their journey.  I learn many things from her that I don't think I'd find anywhere else.  

Finally, Candy of Lazy J Bar C Farm shared another great recipe that uses her multi-purpose baking mix HERE.  Yippee! This one is called Green Chili Cheddar Beer Bread...  Ooh... Ahh... Yum...  Let me just start by saying that Candy knows how to cook and bake.  Last fall I became addicted to her Southwest Salsa recipe and I thank her for sharing Susan's Green Tomato Salsa, It was a BIG hit around here too.  

Thank you to everyone that shared.  I look forward to each and every link.  I hope you all have a great week ahead.  Please share what you've been up to around the Ol' Homestead this week... by linking up below.



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