
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase #21

Welcome to my garden.  
This week I got lots of things done.  Here's my list of progress...  

Last Week's Garden Chores
Plant tomato plants- 20 paste, and 20 others- DONE
Amend and turn the bee garden bed- DONE
Plant herbs and bee friendly plants- DONE
Set up A-frames and plant cukes- DONE
Get replacement plants for the bare root plants that did not survive winter- DONE
Plant more pumpkin and zucchini- DONE
Plant more flowers- DONE
Can you see my honeybees in this tree???
It was an exciting last few days.  One of my beehives swarmed and I had to rush to capture them and re-house them in another hive.  All seems well now.  I had not inspected this hive in about 14 days and there were 11 swarm cells inside. Yikes!   
Queen cell on left.  You can see the white queen larva in the cell being capped.
I should have payed better attention and split this hive myself earlier.  I found my old queen  in the new hive and gave them three frames of brood (babies) and two frames of honey to get the new hive started.  I kept three swarm cells for the mother hive.  Now there are two hives and they're both full of bees.

Next Week's Garden Chores
(Start training berry canes on fence)
(Plant one more bed of lettuce and carrots)
(Break ground on the chicken garden)
(Put up the wire bean trellises)
Mulch all my new plantings with straw 
Plant squash and pumpkin seeds
Weed raised beds
Plant more flowers too!

Well, that's what I've been up to around the yard this week.  What have YOU been up to???


  1. Wow, what an ambitious list! Glad you were able to save your bees! Have a productive week...

    1. Thank you Daisy. I wish you a productive week too.

  2. Your garden is just soooo beautiful and neat and tidy!! I guess I need to start doing a better job weeding out the tumbleweeds! LOL!! Glad your bees are okay!

    1. Thanks Candy. It's all angles. There's weeds three feet high just to the edge of the picture. I am so glad my bees are safe and still here. I LOVE your place.


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