
Thursday, April 19, 2012

FarmGirl Friday Blog Hop! #54

Happy Friday
farmgirls and boys...
It's that time again... time to pull up your chair, grab a warm cup of sunshine and share what you're working on at your homestead.  I don't know about you, but I look forward to this day every week.  It's my special "me" time.  I enjoy catching up with all of my blog friends.  I learn so many new skills and get such good ideas from everyone. THANK YOU!!!

When our new honey bees arrived last Saturday, it was in the middle of a powerful storm with lots of snow and freezing temperatures.  Not so good, but this week Mother Nature took pity on us and our weather warmed up.  It's been sunshine and gentle breezes since Monday.   Perfect weather to set up and check on my new hive.  Yippee!  Aren't they pretty?  I am giggling as I type.  I am having so much fun learning how to tend honey bees.
I am in the middle of planting the seeds for my bee herb garden.  I plan to plant small 6'x8' vignettes around my property just for the bees.  I found lots of ideas for bee friendly plants HERE and HERE.
This is a picture of one of my beehive frames/foundation.  My bees have only been working this hive for about 4 weeks, but they've already filled up the bottom hive box and are quickly filling up the second deep box.  I am amazed.
Our weather has been so nice that I took our baby chicks out for their first play date yesterday, in the big outdoors.  They LOVED it.  As you can see, my brood is a rainbow of beauty.  I love them all dearly.
I finally decided it was warm enough to set out my hummingbird feeders and immediately found this pretty little baby drinking.  Isn't she pretty?  I do not see these pretty little brown hummingbirds too often.  
Well, that's what's going on at my place.  

What have you been up to this week???

 Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Friday Blog Hop! 
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!


  1. Heidi
    Looks like you have some exciting Farmgirl activities going on. Glad you are enjoying your bees. Look forward to honey recipes from you!

    It's amazes me howm animals change so fast, human babies too.

    Have a great weekend and Thanks for co-hosting Farmgirl Friday!

    1. Thanks Robin. They do grow FAST. I am looking forward to perfecting some sweet honey based recipes to share too. You have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

  2. I have often thought of keeping bees. Maybe one of these days! I love your chicks!

    1. Thanks Susie. I hope you do get bees someday. I am learning so many interesting things about them and the interdependence of plants/bees/people in the ecosystem now. It's very exciting.

  3. Your chicks look wonderful!
    I'm not into bees, but good luck! Your hives are very pretty.

    1. Thanks Linda. Thank you for stopping by. I must admit, the chicks are my favorite babies. They have such wonderful personalities. They're like children.

  4. Wow! your bees have really been busy! The hives look great! You'll have some wonderful honey soon!
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Hi Kathy.
      Thanks for stopping by. I am looking forward to my first honey extraction...

  5. Those baby chicks look so sweet!, Thanks for hosting agin this week, Laura

    1. Thanks Laura. Thank you for stopping by to say Hi. Have a great week.

  6. Oh the bees! And the chicks! We got 6 a few weeks ago, and pick up 4 more this week. They are so much fun to have around. It is still too cold for them to go outside up here, well we have had a few very warm (very unusual) days in Maine this spring. Plus, my hubby hasn't built the coop yet, so we have a few weeks left to keep them in the house :-) I really want to get bees next year, I'm not sure my hubby agrees. He wasn't over the hill about the chicks, but once he saw how cute they were, he was happy. Now, if I can only figure out how to make the bees cute...

    1. I know what you mean. My hubby did not like the idea of having animals, period. He feels "tied down" to the homestead, which is funny because getting him to leave and go anywhere is like pulling teeth. Lol. I guess he likes the idea that he CAN go... not that he'll actually GO somewhere. He has fallen in love with the peeps though. He is also afraid of bees so he doesn't help tend them, but he makes me anything I need for them and he is very excited about honey. He loves it. maybe you can tempt your hubby with honey laced goodies...

  7. About 2 years ago, we gave up our 30 acre farm of gardens and livestock, and moved to a much smaller house with 1/2 acre. It has been a life-changing experience to say the least LOL. It took some time to adjust and I miss the animals dearly, but we continue to garden both vegetables and flowers.
    Recently, I read some articles on raising honey bees and how scarce they were becoming in our area. My husband and I have considered having our own hive, but I'm not quite sure 1/2 acre is enough room. We have a lot of small children in the neighborhood and I don't know that much about how the two of them (bees and children) would mix. We live out in the country, but not a subdivision. Even so, children tend to cut through yards to get to their friend's house and you know the curiosity of kids...
    Right now, it's a consideration in progress. I really enjoyed your post. It brought back fond memories for me over my morning coffee. I found you through the 'Homestead' hop ☺

  8. Love your bee boxes. They are made out of a beautiful wood.


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