
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop- Week 15

Sorry I am so late today, I just got back from a visit to the doctor.  I have an ear infection, sinus infection, and throat infection.  All brought on by allergies.  Yuck!  I told that doctor I cannot afford to be sick, I have plants to feed, chicks to water, and bees to nurture.  She assured me that I'm not dying, just experiencing severe allergies like so many others living in my area...

Please link up and share your homesteading posts below and have a great and healthy week!!!


  1. Sure hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks Ann. I hope so too, but in the mean time, I'll be vegging on the couch a bit. Have a great week.

  2. I agree. Feel better soon and don't worry about a schedule. *hugs* ♥

    1. Thanks Linda!

      Thank you for your kind comments earlier too. Have a great week and I look forward to reading your posts and link ups!

  3. hope you feel better soon!! My husband and son have very bad allergies lots of sinus infections in our house...stinks!!

    1. Thank you. I empathize with your boys. Allergies can really wear you down fast. I got a shot yesterday and I was told this is much stronger than pills, it is supposed to last 6 months. I am crossing my fingers. Have a nice week.

  4. Heidi

    I hope you feel better soon! We have had several weeks of extreme wind. I am not exaggerating; we will have several days of 60 mph wind in a row. A day with 40 mph wind is nice. Things are very dusty and we NEED rain.

    People in our area are struggling with coughs, colds, and allergies too.


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