
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop- Week 10

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”

― C.S. Lewis

Happy Wednesday!

I have been fighting Mother Nature this week, so far she's winning, but I'll NOT give up! My boys got that old greenhouse off of the hill, to my backyard gate, but were stopped by the distance between the roof of the house and the barn (lol) so my dear hubby Jerry will be taking it apart this week and reassembling it about ten feet from where it sits tonight.

The winds have been gusting at up to 65 miles per hour today and they ripped through my only small plastic hoop house row cover exposing the newly planted seedlings and a few onion sets so I quickly gathered them up and set them into seedling trays full of soil and peet indoors because I couldn't  stay out there too long tonight.  I have an ear infection again...

I do NOT want to discourage you, I have been having a GREAT week so far, there have just been a few minor setbacks during the last 24 hours.  I will get back on track again tomorrow... just as soon as that wind dies down.  
I did finish those mug coasters and a few more crocheted washclothes.  I got some more bulk shopping done today down the mountain and I got to spend the day with my son and husband.  It was a day full of happiness for me.  

Here's my new favorite bread recipe:

Honey Whole Wheat Bread
2 pkgs. active dry yeast
5 cups warm water (about 110 degrees)
6 tbsp butter
1/4 cup honey
4 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup instant potatoes (not reconstituted) OR- 1 cup mashed potatoes instead- combined with honey water mixture
1/2 cup nonfat dry milk
1 tbsp salt
6& 1/2- 8 cups sifted all purpose flour

  • Sprinkly yeast on 1/2 cup warm water, stir to dissolve.
  • Melt butter in 6 qt saucepan, remove from heat, add honey and remaining 4 & 1/2 cups warm water.
  • Mix whole wheat flour, instant potatoes, dry milk and salt.  Add to saucepan; beat until smooth.
  • Add yeast and beat to blend. Then with wooden spoon mix in enough all purpose flour, a little at a time, to make a dough that leaves the sides of the pan.  Turn onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and satiny and small bubbles appear, 8-10 minutes.
  • Place in lightly greased bowl; turn dough over to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, 1- 1 & 1/2 hours. Punch down dough, turn onto board and divide into thirds.  Cover and let rest 5 minutes.  Shape into 3 loaves and place in greased 9x5 loaf pans.  Cover and let rise until doubled, about an hour.
  • Bake in hot oven (400 degrees) about 50 minutes, or until bread tests done.  Remove from pans and cool on wire racks.  Makes three loaves of the sweetest, most flavorful wheat bread.  I love it.  Enjoy!
This recipe came from an old book "Homemade Bread" by the editors of Farm Journal.

Now, it's your turn to SHARE.  What has been going on at your homestead this week???


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon! I know whatever I have is still hanging on, I don't feel like doing anything after I get home from work. Good luck with the winds too. We're experiencing the same, it's howling and making all sorts of things rattle this early morning.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. We are now over all of our colds here! Yea for feeling normal again.

    I am new to the blog hop and look forward to seeing what else is linked up.

  3. I sure hope you feel better soon Heidi. Do you get a lot of those? My Carly does and her's are caused from allergies. God bless you.

  4. Love those coasters! So cute! I'm working on learning to knit, and my practice piece is starting to look like a cute coffee coozie. It's a lot of work. I've never made bread before, but may have to try that recipe. Thanks!

  5. I sure hope you are feeling better!! {{HUGS}}
    We have had the stinkin' winds here for the past two days and they are saying they are going to last through Friday! Waahhh!!

  6. I agree. Hope you feel better soon!
    Found you from Kathy's blog. Hope you don't mind if I follow along. :o)

    As we are in the process of moving, I have bookmarked this post. Your recipe looks really yummy and I definitely want to try it.

    I LOVE your washcloth! Would love to be able to crochet. I think I need to learn. I used to do potholders on those little square metal 'looms' when I was a child. Wish I'd had the sense to pay attention when my grandmother would knit and crochet.

    Have a blessed evening!


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