
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Country Garden Showcase- Week 11

Welcome Friends!
The greenhouse move in pictures...
Greenhouse is finally IN the backyard and has heat, new shelves with wheels and overhead lights are on the way...  This empty spot on the hill is where the greenhouse WAS...
 This picture below depicts poor Jerry taking the entire thing apart and refurbishing it before reassembly in the backyard... its new home.
 she got a fresh coat of paint and a scrub-a-dub too
 This is my babygirl Sugarplum, she was supervising the process...
 Bright, shiny new paint good for another ten years.
 Papa pausing from paint for a picture...
 The next morning her was at it again...
 with lightning speed and a steely resolve
 he was determined to get the greenhouse finished before sundown...
 Powered by ice cream bars, Jerry worked all day long again.
 By 3pm I could see he was getting close...
 just the lexan was left...
 When it was finished, he paused for a quick snack before he cleaned up and came indoors to relax.
 Jerry built this greenhouse for me originally, about a decade ago.  He cut and painted pretty decorative gingerbread on the ends.  I loved it then, but I love it so much more now with heat.
Stay tuned for what's going inside this week...

March 10th Garden Prep and Plan
150 onion bulbs hardened off and planted in the garden DONE
taking back the terraced backyard hill- till and prep soil for planting DONE
more potatoes planted DONE
asparagus planted DONE
make soilless seed starting mix with vermiculite, peat moss, and seed starter mix DONE
veggie seeds planted Victory Garden style- awaiting germination DONE
pecan trees planted x2 DONE
almond trees planted x2 DONE
raspberry canes planted x4 DONE
blackberry canes planted x4 DONE
seedless table grapes planted x3 DONE

I couldn't wait for our last frost so I bought 3 heirloom tomato plants and planted them in 5 gallon buckets inside the greenhouse.  I will eventually transplant them into 15 gallon buckets.  I will get early tomatoes!  Yippee!

Please share what's been going on at your place and have a GREAT week!


  1. It isn't garden related, but it has some things from my garden last year in the recipe so I hope it's okay to share my home cured corned beef... I'll get my garden post for the week done to share this week. :)

    1. I am so glad you shared Chara. I LOVE corned beef. I have a Grandma from Ireland and I can still remember her yummy corned beef. She passed on when I was only a kid, but I have many a happy memory with her. Thanks for such a timely recipe contribution!!! Have a GREAT week and Happy St. Patty's Day.

  2. Yummy, early tomatoes! Thats wonderful! We've got to get busy ~~~~~ got our chicks this weekend. We are hearing lots of chirping cause they are in the kitchen right now!

    1. Oh, babies in the kitchen. I just know they're getting lots of love. I am so jealous. The hubby nixed my hen idea for now, but I remember how much fun chicks are. They're like little fuzzy dolls. Congratulations.

    2. Oh, I'm so jealous right now! Our babies are almost a year old and I have no room for any more chickies. Good thing I talked a good friend and her daughter into raising some chicks - I get to have chicks vicariously through them. :-)

    3. I'm jealous of you too my dear. Have a great week. I know you're keeping busy after reading your blog post.

  3. Wow! Every time I come to your post all I can say is WOW! You are Jerry are two people that I would never catch up with. Jerry Good Job! Heidi, you lucky woman! I love it now you can grow to your heart's content...Love keeping up with what you are accomplishing...

    1. Thanks Dolly. I am so excited. I already used the greenhouse to get potatoes a head start and two flats of onion bulbs too. It is so nice that it's now only a few feet from my kitchen door and has access to water and heat. I still can't hardly believe it. I am still grinning. Love ya! Have a GREAT week ahead.

  4. Wow! You guys have gotten so much done so far this month. That greenhouse is a beauty - you need to hang onto Jerry because he is definitely a keeper. Great job!

    1. I think so too, and believe me, my back and shoulders are feeling it. I am hunkering down for a good freeze coming my way soon. I'll be relaxing by the fire and planting more seeds indoors. I may even get to sew a bit. Yeah, I'll surely keep him. Truth is, I can't live without him. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by to say hi.


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