
Monday, February 6, 2012


I was blessed with this honor today by fellow farmgirl and blog sister Ann of The Suburban Prairie Homemaker.  I completed all but one of the requirements of acceptance a bit earlier, in this post HERE.  To complete the process I have compiled my list of 15 blogs that I know you'll agree are worthy of this honor too.  Each of these blogs contribute something special to our little blogging community and each of the bloggers behind these blogs offer their unique perspective and experience on many complex issues that are important to me.  Since I have to choose, here are my VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARDEES, in alphabetic order.

Backyard Organic Vegetables
Cypress Hill Farm
Dandelion Haven
Deborah Jean's Dandelion House
Dolly is Cooking
Homesteading at Red Tail Ridge
Hoping for a Homestead
Invited to the King's Table
Lil Suburban Homestead
Live Ready Now
Moving On to the Past
Our Country Cove Life
Our Country Home
The Lazy J Bar C Farm
The Way Grandmama Does It

Here are the RULES for the Versatile Blogger Award-

1. Add the award to your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention seven random things about yourself. (see below)
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are SEVEN random things about me...

1. I am preparing to take electric guitar lessons.
2. My favorite food is anything pasta, go figure.
3. Today, I am a homemaker, wife and mom, but almost 20 years ago I was a law enforcement officer too.
4. My favorite colors are bright purples, hot pinks, and lime greens.
5. I am shy and quiet unless you know me, then you can hardly shut me up.
6. I do not tolerate bullies.
7. I am 100% American. I am 2nd generation American on my Dad's side. My paternal grandparents immigrated from Colombia and Ireland. On my Mom's side, I descend from a man that lived in the 2nd Jamestown colony, and a Nez Perce tribesman. I am a mutt and proud of it. I have a diverse family background and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


  1. WOW! Thanks Heidi! :)
    I follow many of the blogs you picked and they are all VERY deserving!

    1. Candy,
      I know. I totally agree. it's so hard to pick just 15. I LOVE many more than that... Have a great week Candy. I love your latest gardening post.

  2. Your shy! Not with me. LOL Love ya girl.

    1. Dear,
      That's because you eat quiet people for dinner...LOL.

  3. Heidi thanks again for thinking of me and I will definitely work on compiling my list to share with this award with others as there are so many deserving bloggers out there!

    1. Thank you Karen Lynn,
      Your blog is always FULL of great ideas. The greenhouse, the bees, the recipes, the things that make life easier like the re-purposed ladder potrack. I have the hubby on the look out for an old ladder so I can get my awesome potrack too... You are one of my heroes!

  4. What a wonderful surprise! Thank you Heidi for this honor and I so appreciate your kind words. I have learned many things blog hopping around and will add you to my lists of must places to visit. I look forward to sharing this award with others and thank you again for thinking of me.

    The Way Grandmama Does it.

    1. You are welcome Lisa. Your blog is one of my favorites. You deserve it. I look forward to seeing your favorite blogs too.

  5. Thank you so much! It's so great sharing ideas with everyone.

    1. Kathy,
      I agree. It is wonderful that the internet allows us to reach out and share with many more than we ever could before. I have learned so much from you and others like you. Thank you! Congratulations.

  6. Heidi, Thank you! I'm honored that you picked Dandelion Haven as one of the blogs to award. I am glad to be part of the blogging community of country girls and farm girls.

  7. Thank you so much I to am honored . I love the blogging community there are so many wonderful people in Blog land ! Have a great day !

    1. I agree Country Gal. You deserve it too! You are such a talented writer and photographer.

  8. Thanks so much Heidi! You certainly have a way of making one feel better! I am honored!

    1. You deserve it Dolly. My hubby says he can see that I enjoy making your recipes alot.
      That makes him happy too. Thanks.

  9. Heidi, you are too sweet! Thank you so much :) I am glad you posted because I don't think I've had the honor of reading your blog and it looks really great :)


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