
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January UFO Roll Call WINNER!

I hope you made progress on your sewing projects.  I did a bit, but I still have a few things to work on so it's back to work tonight.  We have lots of birthdays for the next few months in our family.  That will keep me busy sewing.  I sure enjoyed viewing everyone else's projects and the wonderful tutorials.  Thank you all for sharing your sewing projects.  Nothing inspires me more than enjoying someone else's beautiful handiwork.  Amazing work ladies. Mad skill.  (My niece tells me that is teenage code for you are talented.) Well, let's pick our January giveaway winner.

I have a lovely mini-quilt kit (above) that I will pop in the mail for the winner just as soon as they send me their mailing address.  These little kits are kind of neat.  They are small.  This one's only 15" x 15" but it contains the pattern, and the fabric for the top, backing, and binding.  What a fun little gift idea.  Wouldn't it be fun to design your own mini-kit pattern and "kit it" as gifts for sewing friends?  I think so.  
As you can see, I have drawn up numbers for each entry.  The numbers correspond to your linky submission number on the blog.   My BFF Michelle was supposed to help me, but my wonderful husband Jerry was practically jumping up an down to draw the winner so he will be pulling the winning ticket for us. Thank you Jerry.  Sorry Michelle.  She'll understand, she knows my hubby... Here goes!  Drum roll.........
 Look at his face...
 He was so excited to draw...  he could hardly contain himself.    
He may not have grown up completely, but he's my boy and I love him dearly.  Silliness and all.   Ignore his icky fingers.  He tiled a wall yesterday and that dried them out.  The cuts are from making my next eagle project.  

The January UFO Roll Call WINNER is #23.  Jill of the Braver Homes and Gardens blog.  Congratulations Jill.  

On with the next UFO Challenge.  February is already live on the blog folks.  Let's get to work ladies.


  1. First of all, I would like to say congratulations to Jill! :)
    On a separate note, I can never find a place to leave a comment on the linky parties and I wanted to tell you that your last couple of Country Garden posts have been fabulous! AND I didn't know that Dolly was your mom! AND I really appreciate you doing the blog hops!

    1. Oops. Sorry Candy, my bad. Dolly is not my Mom. What I meant to say was that Dolly and My Mom are the other two cooks I know that cook as good as my Michelle. Sometimes, I am so inarticulate. I hope I have that worded better now. I love your blog Candy. Thank you for stopping in to say hi and for all the wonderful recipes and craft ideas you share with us.

    2. LOL!! I didn't think Dolly looked OLD enough to be someone's mom! :)


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