
Friday, February 17, 2012

FarmGirl Friday Blog Hop- #45

Welcome to Farmgirl Friday!!!
Boys and girls...

     Another week of mixed weather, but I'm still here.   We were surprised yesterday morning by snow!  (this is NOT considered snow to folks living up north, but for those of us in the southwest states, this is about as good as it gets...  I loved it!   

     My wonderful husband took me to town  for a morning meal and a drive through our countryside.  He even managed to rescue a damsel in distress along the  way.  As I sat in the pick up to take this lovely picture of a giant blue oak, he was pulling the sweet young woman's vehicle out of a ditch.  

     We California natives are not used to snow/ice driving, maybe even infamous for our lack of skill.  Somehow this young farmgirl had managed to twirl into a cinder block wall about 20 feet from the road, in the wrong direction... No worries.  

     She was fine and in a flash my hubby had her out and on her way.  We followed her to the main road and observed that she was driving safely, and much slower.  She got lucky.

     With the weather too cold to work in outside, we soon got involved in an indoor construction project.  My garage/craft and sewing room is in need of organization.

      A few weeks ago, Deb wrote an article HERE about joining Sonya Kanelstrand's Simple Living Pledge (Sandra's original article HERE).  Convicted and inspired , I joined too, and on February 1st I took my list to my hubby for his help.  

     He surprised me on Valentine's Day by starting to build a wall full of shelves with doors.  I am a packrat.  I admit it.  If it can be re-purposed, is still "good" for something, or I think that I may need it again someday, it's here somewhere...  No more!  

     Once these shelves and doors are finished (I am sanding, painting, and staining tonight...) I am packing up anything that I have not used, needed, or seen in more than 12 months, and it's being hauled off to a local thrift guild this weekend.  

     Just typing that hurt, but I mean it.  What use is there in holding onto something if it's just taking up space in my cupboard or a rubbermaid when someone else could really be using it now?   

     Do you see my hoard of puzzles in that shelf on the right?  I am saving them for what: a natural disaster, the end of commerce as we know it, 2012, or what?  

     There is no sensible reason for me to keep hanging on to all this stuff.  These are really nice USA made puzzles and there are folks like me that like constructing them.  They will be going to a local senior care home Monday.  

     Well, you can see from the pictures that I am going to be very busy de-cluttering a bit of my life for the next few days...

     I will post a few pictures when I'm done to show my progress and to show you the scary before images.  I almost changed my mind when I looked at the images I shot of what I had to scour through, it is a daunting task.

     My next re-organization assignment begins in the spare bedrooms.  I should call them storage rooms.  Since my son's wedding last fell, I have not changed anything in his old room.  He's happily married and lives three hours north, so it seems foolish to keep it arranged for an old high school athlete.  It will soon be transformed into a cozy bedroom for our guests, stay tuned...

     This week has been another GREAT one.  I attended my favorite quilt club meeting on Saturday HERE where I got lots of great ideas.   

     I got to participate in show n' tell with my quilt buddies.  This pretty quilt top belongs to the nicest horse lover in town.  She's a wonderful lady and a great quilter too.  

     Her quilt top was completed nearly two months ahead of our club's schedule...  
     The ladies in this quilt club are serious quilters, they don't mess around.  That's good for me though because I have been way too lazy in the quilt room lately.  

     I am going to have to pick up my game and get cracking.  I DID get my homework done, on time too, though I was up almost all night the night BEFORE club doing it...  

That won't happen again though, my head was ringing for about 24 hours afterwards.   I'm too old for that.  

     That leads me to remind you quilters and sewers out there...  

     Have you linked up YOUR sewing/quilting projects for February to the UFO Roll Call blog hop yet?  Did I mention that there's a giveaway at the end of the month?  

     Don't worry, there's still time to make something and link it up before the deadline on February 29th.  Let's get those sewing machines humming...

This is MILLIE.  She's my longarm quilting machine.  In a few months I will be celebrating her 8th birthday in my home.  Millie lives in my garage/sewing and quilting room.  

     Together we have sewn many great things.  We've made wonderful gifts for family and friends, and we've helped fellow quilters complete philanthropic quilts for wonderful organizations like Operation Homefront, Paul Newman's Painted Turtle Ranch, the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, pediatric ICU units, and a place very dear to me as the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran, a Los Angeles Veteran's Administration Nursing Care facility that houses disabled American vets, both men and women, many of whom served in Korea and Vietnam, are mobility impaired, and  receive little or no visitors, and have few, if any, family left.  

     I miss making the magic happen with Millie, but as my pile of storage boxes has grown beneath her table, it's become nearly impossible to access her and quilt anything.  That's just one more really important reason to clean up and simplify things around here.  

     I know what I am feeling.  Weighed down by possessions, guilt,  and clutter.  My goals have actually been mitigated to work around my clutter.  Yuck!  I am growing anxious to complete more goals, but am being held back by obstacles like this needless wasted space.

     Perhaps Sonya said it best when she wrote the framework for what she describes as simple living: 

"What is Simple Living?
-Identifying what is most important for you and eliminating everything else.
-Freeing up time for doing what inspires you and being with the people you love.
-Decluttering your mind, your everyday life and your virtual life.
-Single-tasking and learning to diminish stress.
-Striving to live frugally by wanting less and buying only what is necessary.
-Slowing down and being actively present in the moment.
-Living a healthy life, including cleaning your home and your body, eating, exercising and thinking.
-Striving to be green and sustainable as much as your surroundings allow.
-Enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
-Simplifying your goals, tasks and expectations."

     So, whether or not you are feeling like it's time for a change, you've been feeling weighed down, or you are simply looking for great ways to simplify and de-clutter, I encourage you to think about the things that are the most important in YOUR life today too.  The people and events that make life worth living.  

     Are you meeting their needs now?  Are you meeting yours?  If you are making your goals and are not left feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or inadequate, that's GREAT!  I am happy for you, but if like me, you are feeling like maybe you could benefit a little from re-framing your goals or re-focusing your attention in a specific way, please read Sonya's article HERE.  It's a great place to start.


     The last exciting thing I HAVE to share with you this week, while I hopefully still have your attention, is Michelle's bread recipe.  You can find it HERE.  I finally tried it last night.  (During all our snowy moist weather, no less).  The recipe is YUMMY!!!  

     I actually had the benefit of having Michelle in my kitchen to help me work through the humidity issues and the temperature variance between HER oven and MINE.   

     Would you just look at the result...  What we did to adjust for the dampness is add 1/4 cup less water and we let it rise for only a half hour, instead of an hour and 15 minutes.  

     The hubby LOVED it and so did Michelle and I.  We nearly finished off the first loaf between us...  

Okay, I am done talking your poor ears off.  Let's hear what YOU'VE been up to this week on the homestead...  Have a great weekend.

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop!
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!


  1. Love your organization projects! I have "stuff" down in the tack room that hasn't seen the light of day for almost 10 years, guess it's time to let it go. :(

    1. Candy,
      I know exactly how you feel... Have a GREAT week ahead.

  2. I envy you having a quilting machine; my eyes stay open for a good deal on one:)
    Thanks for hosting the hop.

    1. Hello Mrs. Scaife,
      I have had mine for close to a decade now and it is nice to have. I have not had to wait on a list for quilting in a very long time. It was a huge sacrifice to save up and buy it though, so it all equals out, I guess. I look forward to seeing all the lovely things you'll do when you get yours. Have a GREAT week ahead.

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog and your Farm girl Friday hop, that bread looks delicious! I have awarded you The Versatile Blogger Award. You can stop on by my blog to check it out. :)

  4. I very much try and keep my house and life is a constant challenge!! i am going to check out the blogs on your hop.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and joining in on all our farmgirl fun. Have a great week ahead.

  5. Heidi, You are amazing! I got tired just looking at all you're doing! And your snow pictures were beautiful. I moved South and really miss the snow so I'm trying to get back up North. I am like you and trying to declutter and simplify. Your bread looks yummy. I do that 5 minutes/day no-knead bread from Mother Earth News (it's on their website) but it is a more rustic artisan type loaf. I belong to a quilt guild too and as soon as I clear a space to sew again (LOL) I'll join that UFO club! I might take the simplify pledge too but I don't do well with pressure. I'm retired now and I was always hurrying around and I got ill so now I take my time and do things at my own pace with no pressure...ahhhh. I love it! So glad I found you! Have a great weekend.

    1. Welcome to Farmgirl Friday Sam I am!!!
      I am so glad you stopped by. It does get busy here in spring and summer. Things die down for fall and winter so I can hibernate. The bread recipe comes from my BFF Michelle. There's a link to her recipe on the post. It is easy, though maybe not as easy as that no knead recipe. I use the bread machine to knead mine...

      I look forward to you joining our little UFO hop too someday. No pressure. I usually take things easy too, but lately I've been bit by some sort of busy bug. I think it's that month of sunny weather in January. It confused me. You have a great week ahead and please come by again.

  6. Hello Heidi,
    It can be a big step to get rid of unused/unecessary things when you're a packrat (like me). But I admire your resolve...I know after we got rid of many things I never dreamed we'd part with, I had (and still have) such a sense of peace and relief! I love simple!



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