
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop- Week 9

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”

― C.S. Lewis


I have been spending a great deal of time outdoors lately trying to keep ahead of spring, so I have been posting lots of garden pictures.  

Today I'd like to share what's been going on indoors here this week...

I found a new favorite whole wheat bread recipe.  It makes three loaves per batch.  It incorporates honey and tastes nutty and has no bitterness.  

I will post the recipe soon.  

My husband attended a car show with his old green car and he even won a trophy.  

He was shocked and smiles from ear to ear.  

Then, Jerry drove down to the big city to see his big sisters Kathy and Carmen, and his Mom Cinthia.  Kathy is visiting from Alaska.  

Their family is full of artists.  They can make or do anything.  I think they get their craft skills from my Mom-in-law Cinthia, she's pretty amazing.  

In the 20+ years that I have known her, I have watched her grow the best gardens and she can do most any handicraft including tatting, kniting, painting, quilting, brazilian embroidery, and many other fantastic crafts.   

Jerry brought back a few really neat things from this trip.  

My Mom-in-law Cinthia surprised me with this lovely bird she painted onto this comfy fleece hoody for me.  
I LOVE it.  

He also brought back this intricately hand carved, painted gourd musical instrument.  It was a birthday gift to Jerry from his sister Carmen.

She makes amazing gourd crafts.  

Carmen has made us beautifully painted gourd candle lamps, decorations and now this giant dragon gourd... 

This one is somehow configured to mimic the sound of thunder when you pull the cord.  

It really sounds like thunder too.  

I am not sure how she did it, but the end is cut out and the sound amplifies outward.  

It's so loud, it's really fascinating to listen to.  

If I ever figure out how to upload video I will certainly share it.

I made my dogs a batch of those peanut butter pumpkin biscuits that they love.

HERE is the recipe.

My sweet hubby made me these cute little vaqueros this weekend...

They are sitting neatly on my new shelves in the sewing room...

and speaking of the sewing room, I am working on my first mini-quilt swap.

This is what I am planning.

Each half square triangle will be 1" finished. 

I am looking forward to this little challenge.   I have never made a mini quilt this small.

My mystery swap partner likes blues.  These are the fabrics I am thinking about using...

Well, that's it for now.   I am looking forward to seeing what you've been up to around your place this week.  Please share.

I can hardly wait to see this week's posts.  Thank you all for your fantastic contributions.  I sure enjoy reading what you've been up to around your homestead.  Have a GREAT week.


  1. The bread looks great ~ please post the recipe!

  2. I love the idea of a mini quilt, sounds like a very fun project. Today I am passing on a Sunshine Award to you, you can check it out here if you wish. :)

    1. Wow,
      Thank you April. That is very thoughtful. Thank you for reading and enjoying my little blog.

  3. Hi! I linked up a couple posts, (hope that's okay) a new giveaway and a couple about life 'round our place. :) Thanks for hosting such a fun blog hop! :)


  4. What a fun post! :) I look forward to the bread recipe. There is nothing like fresh baked bread...and the smell!!! The gourd is so interesting, would love to hear it :)
    Have a blessed weekend!


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