
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop- Week 8

The Country Homemaker Hop

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”
― C.S. Lewis

Welcome Friends!

   Jerry and I have been working indoors and out this  week to get things ready for spring.  My sewing room/garage cabinets are almost done.  We are awaiting another load of firewood and we'll be set for the rest of the season.

   I am waiting on a few more cabinet doors, but poor Jerry can only do so much and I have him working on several things at once right now.   In the meantime, I painted the entire room white this week, floor to ceiling...  I can SEE so much better now.  

I went through every box in the room and separated everything I have not used in more than a year (except fabric of course).  True to my word, I bit my tongue this morning and donated several boxes of good stuff to our local hospital guild.  I feel such relief, and I can actually see my floor for the first time in almost a year.  It feels like a weight has been lifted.  No more anxiety when I walk in the room.  Everything has a place on a shelf and I know exactly where everything is.  I really like this organization thing.  I feel less like I have Alzheimers now...

   We have both been spending atleast three hours a day (weather permitting) in the garden too.  

   It's exciting to see everything take shape. 

  Last week, I got 80+ cubic feet of compost into the boxes and beds.  

  This week I got it all mixed in, mostly by hand and shovel.  

   I look forward to  this time of year.  

   I burn so many calories doing garden prep.  I save them up for later on...  homemade treats.  I figure I can justify sneaking a piece of pie or an extra portion of cake when I've worked outside til my shoulders ache and my hands are sore.   

   My forearms get so much stronger too.  By the end of summer I feel like I could lift a house. lol.  

   The Berry Fence for my new cane berry garden is almost done.   Jerry concreted in the support posts today.  

   Tomorrow, he'll wire it up and I'll plant my new raspberries, blackberries, boysenberries and a few starts I made from root cuttings last year too.

   I amended my soil and built up "burms" today because I have now read in several sources that raspberries in particular, do not like their roots to be too wet, for too long.  They get root rot easily and try as I might to improve this clay soil, it is still mostly clay around here and it holds a lot of water...  

   You can see that the weeds are growing fast in this mild winter weather.  Hence, all the greenery...

   Poor hubby, he took me to the home improvement store today for cement bags and walked out carrying a little bit more...

   I found really nice sized affordable terra cotta strawberry pots that I could not leave behind...   they were less than $20 each!  Wow!

   I have a strawberry patch, but I think I'm going to try to grow them upward in these cute little gizmos and see how they do.  

   I expect that our winds will be a problem so I got water beads and moisture control soil.    If they dry out too much, I'll move them back to the ground and plant pretty flowers in these pots.

   I hope it works because my hubby has a new addiction, strawberry pie.  I need more plants and more strawberries.

   I made a few pies on Friday... and they're all gone today.  Jerry and Rufus finished them all off.

Well, that's pretty much what's been going on around here.  I hope you had a good President's Day holiday and I hope you have a GREAT week.  It's your turn to share what you have been up to this week.  

Please join us Wednesdays to share your pictures, recipes, household wisdom, garden and farm, barn and butcher, homemaking tips, crafts, homemaking ideas and stories with the country homemaking community. It's a new year full of exciting new opportunities. Life is what we make it. Let's dig in and discover just what's been going on- on the Country Homestead this week? 

The Country Homemaker Hop is being co-hosted this week by Dolly and myself. When you have a chance, I invite you to check out each of our blogs:


  1. Wow Heidi! You made me tired just reading all you have accomplished! Looks great! and we are having quite a mild winter up here, I'm tempted to jump the gun a bit, but I know better. Great post! Thanks for sharing :)
    Have a blessed week!

  2. My mouth is wide open, how in the world did you get that much work done on those cabinets? You two are fast! Looks great all of it.

    1. Thanks Dolly. Jerry is speedy and a good task master.

  3. The strawberry pie looks soooooo good. It's my favorite, along with pecan! I hope to have a berry garden like yours some day. And your cabinets are looking great! Good work!


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