
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Liebster Blog Awards

My Simple Country Living was just awarded the Liebster Blog Award!

My heartfelt Thanks go out to Deana at Country Momma Cooks for passing this along.  (Thank you Deana, for finding my little blog worthy to read, share, and enjoy).

Deana wrote: "I tried to find out more about this award but I couldn't find the original origin... Its a mystery! I did find out that Liebster means Dearest or Favorite in German."

Now, I get to give the award to FIVE up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers

If you are selected for this little blog award, it's your responsibility to give it to 5 blogs and share the blog love! This part is VERY tough, narrowing down your list to just five blogs.  

Here are the rules:
1- Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3- Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.

I enjoy reading more than a hundred awesome blogs...  
Picking FIVE just isn't enough, but I have to wittle it down a bit, so the winners are...


  1. Oh thankyou so much, congrats to all !

  2. Thank you so much
    I am so glad you enjoy our blog
    I enjoy posting as much as I can of what goes on
    in our neck of the woods and to share with such wonderful friends in blogland !

    Have a great day !
    Country Gal

  3. Congratulations Heidi and the new winners!

  4. Thank you so much Heidi! I am so happy and thrilled!!! This is so much fun and I am honored. I am so glad you did this! Thanks!

  5. You are so welcome Country Gal and Dolly. I LOVE your blogs. Thanks for the kind words RugosaRoseFarm. I am a new follower of your blog and I love it too!!!

  6. Heidi,
    Thank you so much and CONGRATULATIONS on receiving your award! You deserve it! :)
    Since I have already been "Liebstered" I would ask that you pass this wonderful award on to someone else to enjoy!
    Thank you for thinking of me!

  7. Candy,
    Your blog is a very special place. I am so glad it has been recognized before. I will go ahead and pass on the blog love to another great blogger. Thank you.

  8. Congratulations on your award! I am trying to make my choices today and it has been so very difficult! Thank you.

  9. Heidi, I was checking your links to see who the others passed the award to but all the links are pointing to The Creative Home.

  10. Thank you SO much Kathy,
    That's what happens when you try to amend a post in a hurry. I changed every link to the last entry accidentally... It's fixed now.

    Sorry it's such a chore selecting recipients. There are too many great blogs and most blogs I follow are older than mine, so it was tough for me to, to find blogs with fewer than 200 followers. My poor BFF MIchelle, she's so frustrated she couldn't find enough qualifying blogs to pass it on. I got her into blogging and so she follows most of the same blogs I do, she's in a real pickle since I already picked my favs. We love the same blogs.


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