
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Country Homemaker Hop- Week 4

The Country Homemaker Blog Party!

How time flies.  It's already been three weeks since we started this little linky party and when this one closes, it will have been a month since we shared our first Country Homemaking posts. 

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read, share, and comment on our link ups.  This is a talented group of women bloggers; some of you make me laugh regularly, and some of you make me cry.  I have learned so much from you.  As a group, we continue to help eachother; using our own unique gifts and experiences.  Each of you contribute something special to my week and I simply cannot express how much that means to me, but I am ever so grateful.
 Are YOU a Country Homemaker? 
Please join us each week to share your pictures, recipes, household wisdom, homemaking tips, crafts, ideas and stories with the country homemaking community. Chime in about what's going on at your homestead.  Please feel free to share as many relevant posts as you have for the week I love reading your great homemaking updates, stories, recipes, and tutorials so please, keep em coming!
This is a Blog Hop!Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Heidi, I added my bean soup recipe. I make it on our wood stove and it is a frugal, hearty meal that our family of 10 really enjoys!

    Thank you for hosting this blog hop!

    1. Dear Mooberry Farmwife,
      Your bean soup recipe looks delicious. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us. Have a great week.

  2. sorry friend wanted to share my giveaway ...please delete the other image..thank you..loves soraya

    1. No problem Soraya. I am so glad you linked up your Valentine's Giveaway. Have a great week.

  3. passing by to remind you of my valentine giveaway..if you like to participate just leave a comment and let me now friday night i will choose a winner and saturday will be sending the giveaway little too early but it takes a week to arrived..hope you can read about it on my blog...god bless you...loves soraya

  4. Hi heidi

    sorry i had trouble with the link and it came up twice, you can delete one without the pic. Im hoping to leave you a comment i have tryed for months and couldnt lets hope this goes through. sheryl

    1. Hi Sheryl,
      So sorry about that. I have had some trouble trying to leave comments recently on blogs too. I hope they get the bugs worked out soon. I'll take care of the linky. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  5. Thanks for Linking up @CountryMommaCooks….Have a wonderful week!


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