
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Country Garden Showcase Week 3

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

Where does the time go?  Another week seems to have flown by.  Well, I got all my tilling done in my small fruit orchard.  My hubby even planted me a few new fruit trees including my first two cherry trees- a bing and a black tartarian for cross pollination.  He also surprised me by putting in a new underground sprinkler system to the new trees and a few older trees that didn't have one.  I am so happy.  This means no more time spent standing over my trees with the hose baking in the sun during those HOT summer days...

This is Oliver, our neighbor's cat for more than 17 years.  He has been living in my yard ever since they brought home a new beagle last fall.  The dog won't let any of their four cats into the barn to eat or sleep.  No worries.  He's wrapped my Hubby and I around his finger.  Did I say HE, we recently found out that Oliver is a SHE. Thanks to my BFF Michelle.  Anyway, she lives in my garden and my Hubby's barn now, her and the other three cats.  I have NO rodents because of these wonderful animals.  Thank goodness for hard working barn kitties.

Two weeks ago, I posted my January Garden Plan (re-posted below) and I am making nice progress.  The items lined through are completed.

January Garden Plans: 
prune fruit trees & grapes  
spray copper fungicide
remove litter from base of trees to prevent overwintering of coddling moth
check watering system
chip Christmas tree, fruit tree prunings and leaves into compost pile
aerate and layer compost pile
improve soil in raised beds with mulch and till
make veggie garden plot diagram (almost done)
plant winter veggies (starting tomorrow)

That's what's been going on in my garden.  Please LINK UP below and SHARE what's been going on at YOUR place.  Be creative.  We'd all like to see posts about your garden, farm. yard, barnyard, coop, beehive, fresh produce inspired recipes, garden crafts and flowers, decorations, garden how-to advice, ANYTHING garden related.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, You are the winner!


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