
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas Carols

Jolly Old Saint Nicolas
Jolly old Saint Nicholas,
 lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell a single soul what I'm going to say: 
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
now, you dear old man 
Whisper what you'll bring to me; 
tell me if you can. 
When the clock is striking twelve, 
when I'm fast asleep 
Down the chimney, 
broad and black, 
with your pack you'll creep 
All the stockings you will find hanging in a row 
Mine will be the shortest one, 
you'll be sure to know 
Bobby wants a pair of skates, 
Suzy wants a sled 
Nellie wants a picture book, yellow, blue, and red 
Now I think I'll leave to you 
what to give the rest 
Choose for me, dear Santa Claus; 
you will know the best.


  1. Love that old song. Our little SweetCheeks used to sing that for us last year...over and over and over and over!;>) xo Diana

  2. Very nice post to share...your blog is very inviting..dear friend i have a question cause next year want to give my blog another look more information..have some ideas..but the question is how to work out the bar above your do i have to go to settings? and what else do i have to do ..thank you if you help me here...happy holidays..and wish you and your family peace and love...sincerly soraya

  3. I love that song. I used to have a children's Christmas album (a record) when I was young with all these wonderful songs. There was another one, with Grandfather Kringle where he would yodel. I'd like to find that one again.


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