
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Preparedness Challenge...

In my dehydrators I'm dehydrating Fruit- strawberries and raspberries.  I am following the instructions I found from the how to garden advice website LINK HERE.  


In the oven, I am dehydrating more corn using my BFF Michelle's recipe LINK HERE.  I tried it last week for the first time and was very happy with the results.  The corn tasted sweet and nutty when it was done.

I am also experimenting with my new homemade yogurt.  I am trying to separate the curds and whey to have  cream cheese.  I have only just begun, but I am really excited.

This last month has flown by, and I am learning so many new skills and honing others.  Within the last several weeks I have:
- learned how to pressure can veggies
- learned how to make homemade tomato sauce
- expanded my dehydration skills
- expanded my freezer preservation skills
- learned how to make lacto-fermented pickles
-learned how to make yogurt
and more...

I am thankful for the Preparedness Challenge and all of the contributors.  I have learned so much from all of you.  Thank you for sharing such important, practical knowledge.

Now, I am going to bed.  Goodnight!


  1. you and i are pretty much doing the same things at the same time lol! blessings to you!

  2. Thanks Tami. That's nice to know. The next time I have a question I can just hop on over to your blog, figure out what I'm doing wrong, and fix it. Many blessings to you too.


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