

 2M Joyful Hearts CB Adelaide
 aka "Addy" 
+VVV 85
4th freshener

Addy is currently my favorite doe to milk.  Addy peaked at over 5lbs last lactation and averaged more than 4.5lbs/day and stayed there for six months straight last year.  She is due to kid in a week and will be back on milk test because I believe she has something to prove.

The Doe Fairy hasn't blessed us with too many does and sadly, due to a vet accident in 2014 and a barn accident in 2017 we have lost both of her doe kids before maturity.

We have kept a few of her sons out of CH Algedi Farm JD Shotgun Wedding to watch them mature.

CH Algedi Farm JD Shotgun Wedding, VEE 86
Photo- Heather Manzo, Sierra Aspen Ranch
2017 son- 
Tres Rios SW Wedding Crasher

2016 son-
Tres Rios Hermes

her dam-
Joyful Hearts DS Tiger Tracks
1*M, 3*D, VEEE '90' 
Here she is as a 2nd freshener, and 3 yrs old
Tia earned her permanent ADGA Linear Appraisal score of 90 at 5.02 years of age and a 4th freshener!!! 

Tia, her barn name, is a 2nd generation Joyful Hearts doe, going back to her granddam, the amazing MCH/CH Jobi Lacie *D, VEEE '90'! Lacie was a Top Ten milker with AGS a couple of years and Tia was tied for 5th place in the nation on one day milk test in 2016.  Unfortunately, she was lost after c-section with a large single buck kid in 2016.

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